6,700 New Voters Register in January
Frankfort, Ky. (February 19, 2024) – Secretary of State Michael Adams announced that voter registration continued to increase in January, for the tenth month in a row.
“These numbers suggest that this November we could have the highest voter turnout in decades,” said Adams. “It is critical that the General Assembly leave early voting days and our election integrity measures intact.”
In January, 6,700 new voters registered while 6,156 were removed – 5,089 deceased voters, 578 voters convicted of felonies, 325 who moved out of state, 78 who voluntarily de-registered, 44 adjudged mentally incompetent and 42 duplicate registrations.
Republican registration accounts for 46 percent of the electorate with 1,611,760 voters. Republican registration rose by 2,111, a .13 percent increase. Democratic registration accounts for 44 percent of the electorate, with 1,520,663 voters. Democratic registration went down by 2,751, a .18 percent decrease. There are 359,380 voters registered under other political affiliations, making up 10 percent of the electorate. Other party registration went up by 1,184, a .33 percent increase.
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