There was no guest speaker for the latest meeting. Auction Donation papers were handed out as well as information about the upcoming Golf Scramble and other activities going on in our community opened the meeting.
The 1st Annual Golf Scramble will be held on Saturday, June 25th at 9:00 AM. The cost is $200.00 per team and includes breakfast, lunch, contest and prizes. Hole sponsorship is 100.00 a hole. To sign up or become a whole sponsor contact any of the following, Missy@ 673-4300, Andrew, Andrew J. Auxier @ 686-2412, or Bill Richards
The mayor also spoke of the need for several parts of the town of Louisa to grow. His vision is to see more businesses come rather than go. He spoke of the new basketball court nearing completion, and thanked everyone for helping with the project,
Lycom announced customer appreciation week, holding a movie in the Park (kid’s theme) on the 29th and a customer pool party on the 30th, from 6 PM to 10 weather permitting. The meeting adjourned at that point.