The “American Dream”… What Does it Mean to You?
By Paige Holley
Everyone looks at “The American Dream” as a vision of success everyone will achieve, but every person has their own version of that success. What do you think of when you think of “The American Dream”? This phrase stands for the belief that anyone can achieve their own version of success in a society where this is possible for everyone.
The American Dream depends on the person and their calling. Does this dream include being a doctor? A teacher? A blogger? The dream is having the opportunity to work toward a better life. America has this opportunity for each individual to follow his or her own path into success, it is up to you to decide what to do with it.
There are some facets of the “American Dream” change depending on what the person wishes to accomplish in life. Whether it is to afford the new, expensive accessories such as the following: cars, jewelry, college education, the newest iPhone. Or whether it is to succeed and be the first person in your family to achieve a college education, eventually becoming a doctor.
For me, living the “American Dream” means that I will be financially stable enough to have things in life I need, some things I want, and the comfort of knowing that I have a stable job to go to the next day. It means taking advantage of the same opportunities afforded other Americans. This means that no matter how you were brought up in life, you are given the chance to make your own dream come true, and this is what the “American Dream” means to me.
Some ask “Is the American Dream still possible to achieve?” I believe it is, because all Americans have a right to pursue their own vision of happiness and comfort in life. We each have an equal opportunity to do something great with our lives- -but many fall into a boring cycle. This cycle has you repeating the same things, every single day- but you have a chance to change that and live YOUR version of this dream.
So follow your vision; eventually, you can give your own definition of the “American Dream”.
Very well said young lady! You give me some hope for the leaders of America for generations to come. Our own dreams are different, some have no dreams at all others perhaps dream to much. You did a fine job nonetheless. Thank you.
A good positive message. Well said and written young lady. With that attitude no doubt you will achieve your American Dream.
We All Love you….You are the American Dream…..your Beautiful❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍💕😎😎