By Susan Salyer
LOUISA, KY. — The Louisa City Council had a Regular Scheduled Meeting on Tuesday, August 08, 2023 at Louisa City Hall, 215 N Main Cross, Louisa, Kentucky at 6PM. Mayor Harold Slone was in attendance along with City Council Members Joey McClanahan, Gary Robertson, Caleb Farley, Rose Lester, Coty Roe and Keith Chaffin.
Mayor Slone started off the Louisa City Council Meeting by saying, “The goal for Louisa Fire and Rescue is to have another class of students, next year, Juniors and Seniors from the high school in a career for Fire and Rescue class. You have to be 18 yrs of age to finish Fire 1 & 2 and EMT. Slone said a lot of cities are hiring for the Fire and Rescue program including Ashland, Huntington, Morehead, Charleston, Prestonsburg, and Pikeville. ” It’s really a good thing. The goal this year was to have 30 students participate. We now have 19 in our current class. There will be 2 classes next year,” Slone added. (SEE VIDEO)
Next, Mayor Slone said Pray for our students starting school.
Slone mentioned the severe weather, from the day before. He said the National Weather Service (NWS) would be at the Cottonwood location in Louisa, Kentucky, the next day. (The NWS did confirm that Louisa had an F-1 tornado.) (SEE VIDEO)
Slone said the Louisa City Pool is officially closed this year, except for a few parties.
“When school starts our lifeguards have to go back to school, so we had to close,” Slone said. Slone will have a printout next meeting but he said the income for the pool was “the most it’s been in years”. Expenses went up for electricity, chemicals, chlorine and to hire lifeguards. This year has been a great success, the mayor said. (SEE VIDEO)
Louisa Councilwoman Rose Lester mentioned that there are city properties that are not being kept up. Her issue was how do we enforce overgrown grass on properties around Louisa.
Mayor Slone said if there is a city property that is not being kept up, first the property owner has to be notified and sometimes that’s where the trouble starts. There was a Louisa City Police Officer, Hunter James, that was assigned to this job. Now there is not enough manpower to keep this job assigned to Hunter James. If we can reach the Louisa property owners then we have better access to stopping this nuisance. (SEE VIDEO)
Louisa City Clerk, Kathy Compton, mentioned the change in Louisa City Insurance Premiums on the balance sheet. July is correct, Compton entered Insurance Premiums on the wrong side. Debit side instead of Credit side. The balance was corrected to reflect $76, 812.53. (SEE VIDEO)
Louisa Councilman Caleb Farley said he was asked about dirt bikes and 4 wheelers driving on city streets in Louisa. He asked what do I tell them? Chief of Police Greg Fugitt said have them call 911. (911 is open 24/7) (SEE VIDEO)
1. Call to Order
Old Business
2. Approve minutes for July 11, 2023 – Motion by Keith Chaffin 2nd by Gary Robertson.
New Business
3. Resolution 2023-06 – Louisa Townhill Waterline – Motion by Joey McClanahan 2nd by Gary Robertson.
4. Resolution 2023-07 – Delong Branch – Motion by Caleb Farley 2nd by Gary Robertson.
5. Audience Comments – None
6. Executive Session – A Property Acquisition was discussed. At this time ‘No Action’ will be taken.
7. Adjourn – Motion by Joey McClanahan 2nd by Gary Robertson.
The next regular scheduled Louisa City Council Meeting will be on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at 6PM.
Last month’s minutes (July 2023)
Louisa City Council
Regular Meeting
July 11, 2023–7:00pm
Louisa City Hall
Present: Mayor Harold Slone
Rose Lester, Council
Caleb Farley, Council
Robert J McClanahan, Council
Keith Chaffin, Council
Coty Roe, Council
Absent: Gary Robertson, Council
Mayor Slone called the meeting to order. Joey McClanahan led the pledge. Keith Chaffin led the prayer.
Old Business:
Joey McClanahan made the motion to approve the minutes for June 13, 2023. Keith Chaffin seconded. The vote was unanimous.
Caleb Farley made the motion to pass the second reading of Ordinance 2023-05, “Amendment to Ordinance Relating to Water and Sewer Rates”. Keith Chaffin seconded. The vote was Farley, yes; McClanahan, yes Lester, yes; Roe, Yes and Chaffin, yes. The vote was unanimous.
Rose Lester made the motion to pass the second reading of Ordinance 2023-06, Ordinance Changing the Meeting Time of The Louisa City Council”. Keith Chaffin seconded. The vote was Chaffin, yes; Roe, yes; Lester, yes; McClanahan, yes; and Farley, yes. The vote was unanimous.
New Business:
Caleb Farley made the motion to approve Resolution 2023-05. This Resolution states that the City of Louisa in collaboration with Lawrence County recognizes the importance of promoting recovery and supporting individuals and families affected by substance use disorders. Joey McClanahan seconded. The vote was 4 yes and 1 no with Rose Lester voting no. The motion passed.
Joey McClanahan made the motion to approve a Professional Services Contract Agreement with Kentucky Engineering Group. This project needs a relocation person, and the grant will pay for this. Coty Roe seconded. The vote was unanimous.
Caleb Farley made the motion to approve signing an agreement for professional services with Kentucky Engineering Group. This is to relocate the water lines behind the new soccer field on Town Hill. Joey McClanahan seconded. The vote was unanimous.
Council Comments:
Audience Comments:
Executive Session.
Caleb Farley made the motion to go into executive session. Joey McClanahan seconded. The vote was unanimous.
Rose Lester made the motion to go into open session. Keith Chaffin seconded. The vote was unanimous.
While in executive session, council discussed signing a Surface Site Easement and a Temporary Surface Use Agreement with Columbia Gas. Coty Roe made the motion and Joey McClanahan seconded. The vote was unanimous.
There will be a meeting of council on July 25 at 6pm, to discuss Fire Station 1 renovations.
Joey McClanahan made the motion to adjourn. Caleb Farley seconded. The vote was unanimous.
City Clerk
_______________________________________ Ended 8:15 pm
Did I miss it but where in this article does it talk about dirt bikes and four wheelers on city streets?
Why are golf carts allowed to go everywhere in the city with kids driving them and adults driving them when four wheelers are not allowed?? Stop with the golf carts on pedestrian sidewalks and on city streets!!!!! Golf carts are for golf courses!!!
Because all the golf carts are from Meadowbrook. That’s where half the city and county officials along with the lawyers and Doctors. Do you think they are going to anything to them lol?
Robert you forgot that’s where a lot of the tax money comes from
So, the laws don’t apply to them? There is no difference between a golf cart and ATV. One will go a little faster than the other. So, if one rides the ATV at the same speed as a golf cart, it will be fine?
The pool finally making a profit. Hmmm
The person who handled it for years was ripping them off.
Not required to keep up with incoming customers paying at the gate and sales at the concession stand.
Can’t say they weren’t warned. Just didn’t want to believe it or do anything about it.
It’s bc we don’t pay them sob taxes on em I can see if they there hurting something or someone not every one can go buy a brand new car to go to the store in not everyone has ppl giving them money so won’t u all go mess with all these meth head running around an leave us tf alone
Four wheelers, side by sides, dirt bikes are fine. Plenty of small town cities have already legalized them to be on the roads. Where a helmet. Golf carts are more dangerous because of how slow they actually are. Mind your own business. Meadow brook don’t make the rules.
I say either follow the law which doesn’t any of them on public roads or sidewalks or allow all of them!!!
I say change the law. How many wrecks reported involving atv,, utv’s or dirt bikes? The statistics on that will tell the tale. Recreational riding as long as you wear a helmet and don’t act like an idiot. Plenty of small towns have already changed their laws on this issue.
Hardly call golf carts a nuisance as they don’t make much noise…. idiots on four wheelers with loud exhaust who ride them on the streets because they lack the skill to ride them off road are. Not understanding why you would want to ride a four wheeler on the streets anyways, live a little…go to the woods and chase bigfoot….if a four wheeler is your only mode of transportation, sell it an get a bicycle, as it will help you get under 250lbs.
The problem isn’t the noise. The problem with golf carts is the fact that they create a traffic hazard when on the streets and roads and when they are on a sidewalk made for pedestrians, they create a very dangerous situation for pedestrians. On top of all that, they are being operated by kids that don’t know how to interact with vehicle traffic. None of the kids wear a helmet while riding them which makes things even worse!!!