Tourism Board gives Noah $7,000 for sales of t-shirts
By Susan Salyer
On Monday July 18, 2022 the Lawrence County Tourism Board had a regular scheduled meeting at the Fred M. Vinson Museum in Louisa, Kentucky at 5:30PM.
1. Blessing
2. Special Guests – Noah Thompson was presented $7,000 from the sale of “Protect the Accent” t-shirts from the LC Tourism Commission.
Old Business:
Bicentennial – Keith Chaffin
Approval of June, 2022 minutes – Susie Chambers, Secretary. (see note)
Approval of June, 2022 Financial Report- Brenda Hardwick, Treasurer
Photos from Brenda Hardwick
New Business
⁃ Blaine Fest
⁃ Lawrence County Fair
⁃ Lawrence County/Louisa Kayak Event
⁃ BBQ Cook-off in Louisa by Randy Hall and Ken Akers
⁃ Budget Planning Session
Upcoming Events
⁃ Public Comments
⁃ Adjourn
NOTE: The minutes for the LC TOURISM Meeting will be available at next month’s regular scheduled meeting on August 15, 2022.
Here are the June minutes:
Lawrence County Tourism Minutes June 2022
Prepared by Susie Chambers, Secretary
Lawrence County Tourism met on June 20, 2022 at 5:30 pm at the Fred Vinson Tourism office. Members in attendance were Wes Kingsmore, Brenda Hardwick, Debbie Hill, Keith Chaffin, Rita Parker, Chris Jobe and Susie Chambers. Also present were Vince Doty, Randy Hall, Susan Salyer, Tamra New, Billy Lemaster and Amanda Lemaster.
Billy Lemaster requested $800 for the 4th celebration at Chapman Park. This money would be used to purchase food for the attendees. Motion made by Brenda Hardwick with a second by Susie Chambers. Vince Doty presented tourism chairman Wes Kingsmore with a check for 8,399.00 from the state of Ky for our website.
Upcoming events – Burger Week starts on June 24th through July 1st, Laid Back and Honey will be our entertainment on July 21st and for our 3rd Thursday music in the park, Bicentennial celebration July 1st and 2nd at Main St Park ending with community church service on the 3rd at First Methodist.
Cherryville fire department would like to have a music event there this summer.
Wes spoke to the secretary of tourism for the state and he offered to sponsor a show at Mountain Movers Theatre. This is exciting news for us and the theater!
The Holler is working on our new website.
The health department and the extension office have plans for the trails at Yatesville.
$6,400.00 went to Noah Thompson from t-shirt sales. Copyright for the
Protect the Accent goes to Noah.
March and April minutes were approved jointly with a motion by Chris Jobe and a second by Rita Parker.
The treasurers report was approved for two months as well. Our April balance was $39,406.15 and May was $46,807.03. Motion was made by Susie Chambers with a second by Keith Chaffin to accept treasurer’s report.
Meeting was adjourned with a motion by Debbie Hill and a second by Susie Chambers.
Lawrence County Tourism Commission
Treasurer’s Report
April, 2022
For Month Ending 5/31/22
Balance Forward — $39,406.15
Deposits — $39,047.82
Checks — $30,502.00
Automatic Withdrawal (returned check) $20.00
Debit Card activity $1,062.62
Misc. Fees (check/deposit slip orders) $62.22
Balance $46,807.03
Trail Town Budget (deduct) $1,715.00
Balance $45,092.03
Trail Town Operating Budget is currently $1,715.00 ($1,250.00 designated to
McClure Branch Project and $465 to other activities) $160.00 was spent for signs
for walk/runs/bike events sponsored by Tourism or Trail Town.
Submitted by Brenda Hardwick