September 19, 2018
LOUISA, KY. –-After being absent for the last few Lawrence Co. Fiscal Court meetings it was good to see the court in action and listen to the news at the meeting.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the agenda was the explanation given by a representative from FIVCO who is assisting the county with a new $150K grant to build new Blaine fire department.
Rick Loperfido said the building will be large enough to have extra events for the community as well as house the equipment for the VFD..
“You could see the possibility of a bingo hall in there to help support the fire departments,” Loperfido said. “Actually there could be several community evenys held there.”
He said anything over $35,000 in profits must be turned back over to the county.
The court unanimously agreed on motion of Earl Boggs and second by Rick Blackburn to inter into a legally binding agreement with the Blaine Fire Department, whoever may be elected to positions in the VFD.
In other action the court:
- Appointed Judy Damron to the Fred M. Vinson Board
- Accepted the Conservation District’s Annual Financial report which had a total of $175,827 on motion of John J. Lemaster and second by Earl Boggs.
- Accepted the sheriff’s REVISED Gas and Oil Tax Settlement on motion of Morris Howard and second by John J. Lemaster. Sheriff Garrett Roberts had to file the revised version because of some late payments to taxing districts in 2017. There was no money lost because of the error. To see the auditor’s report CLICK HERE
- Approved making September 17-23 Constitution Week in Lawrence County at the request of the Louisa DAR.
- The current lessors of county property known as Legend Enterprises at the small lake near the Yatesville Marina asked the court if it could transfer its assets to another similar company using the same lease. County Attorney Mike Hogan said the county can allow the owners of Legend Enterprises to enter into such an agreement as long as the county’s assets are in tact.