(As part of LCHS Senior English curricular requirements, students write in a variety of genres for a variety of purposes and audiences. These senior students engage in the writing of editorials, proposals, feature articles, reviews, and analyses; they also produce short films, podcasts, and photo essays. In all cases, students are informed that after their works are taken through a process of revision, editing, and instructor review, they may be locally published — Scott Osborn).
Favorite Holiday
By Lucas Patton
As we enter Thanksgiving and then the holiday season, I have to say that my favorite holiday is Christmas, simply due to the atmosphere and the several other benefits that have nothing to do with the purpose of the holiday itself, but are still things we all look forward to. This allows Christmas to absolutely be the best holiday because you get more than just the typical holiday benefits of time off work and such.
The general atmosphere around Christmas is known to be “the most wonderful time of the year.” The songs that are played during this time are labeled as “Christmas music”– whereas no other holidays have that; nobody plays Easter music, but people will play Christmas music year-round.
Of course, Christmas involves many other things that are just exclusive to it, such as specific movies to watch. This allows for you to spend time with family and make memories where most other holidays can be spent with friends rather than family, and Christmas is a more family-oriented holiday. Christmas also has a slew of other benefits for kids and family during that time that other holidays don’t even come close to matching. Christmas time for children usually means that you’re going to get extended time off from school, and you get presents just for being there.
Other holidays typically don’t have weeks-long breaks associated with them. This demonstrates the overwhelming fact that people value Christmas more than any other holiday; there is simply no other holiday that has a break from school as long as Christmas does. Even without the break from school, Christmas brings way more value and memories to mind when I think back on my childhood than all other holidays. Most other holidays seem to be more one dimensional while Christmas seems to be more well-rounded, because not only do you get gifts, but you also get the same benefits that other holidays offer, like candy from your stocking (similar to Halloween) and you also eat a big meal with your family (just as Thanksgiving).
All in all, Christmas not only has benefits that are sacred to itself as a holiday, but it also includes the same benefits from other holidays, making it just that much better. Christmas is simply the best holiday out there when it comes to things that go along with it. Christmas is the best holiday due to its atmosphere, exclusiveness, traditions, and its dynamism as a holiday. There is no other holiday like Christmas, but Christmas is like every other holiday in every good sense of the word.