The Louisa Rotarians and Savage Farms partnered for the third consecutive year to host a pancake breakfast to help raise funds to feed Lawrence County children in need. This year, however, the group decided to host the event at Main Street Park in downtown Louisa rather than at Savage Farms. “If it’s a rainy morning, sometimes the parking can be a bit tricky down at the farm, so we thought we would try this venue” said Keith Moore of Savage Farms.
The morning was a little rainy and a little cooler than expected but the “Pancakes in the Park” event still drew a crowd and several diners chose to get their pancakes and sausage to go! Dr. Elaine DeSario, President of Louisa Rotary Club stated that “while the weather wasn’t what the group had hoped for, I believe that we will still have a substantial donation to make toward feeding children in Lawrence County”.
Louisa Rotary Club meets every Thursday at noon at First Baptist Church in Louisa.