JUNE 3, 2020 – written by WADE QUEEN
A major sewer line project began this week in Louisa, an extensive effort that is expected to last at least a year or more in the norther part of the city.
The project started on Monday, June 1, after several years in the planning stages, and the construction work is being done by the contractor company hired by the city, Frederick and May, from West Liberty, Ky., as told by Jim Smiley, of P&A Engineers, in statements to the May 5 Louisa Utility Board meeting that was broadcast in a virtual meeting session and is available to watch on YouTube.
According to Mr. Smiley at the board meeting, “They are planning to start two crews crews at the beginning. They are going to start at the plant and work their way back, and start in front of the church on Pike Street”.
“When the Pike Street crew is finished, they will move over to Lock Avenue and help out there,” Mr. Smiley explained further.
Jim Smiley said that during a pre-construction meeting on May 4, officials talked about safety issues on the sewer line project. Mr. Smiley told the board “that the contractor will button everything up so that there is not going to be a problem there with the kids”.
Mr. Smiley said further that the work crews were “going to work four tens, which means on the weekends, on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, that there is nobody going to be there. I do not think that we really like that, but that is just how they want to work. I kind of hate to see everything left like that for the weekend, especially with all the residences around there, but Friday will be a make-up if there is a rainy day or anything like that”.
Potential traffic control issues in the upcoming work area sites in Louisa was also was also talked about at the pre-construction meeting, Jim Smiley said.
“They had some concern about traffic control, wondering if if that would hold them up any, which I do not think that is going to hold them up a whole lot right there,” Smiley said.
Jim Smiley also announced at the utility board meeting that a company owned by Robbie Conn will help Frederick and May crews on the sewer line project.
“There will be monthly progress meetings to make sure the progress is going how we want it and how we like it, and we will go from there,” Jim Smiley said.
Louisa Mayor Harold Slone said at the utility board meeting that safety on the project, as he put it: “we are in the middle of a state road”.
Mayor Slone said further in his remarks, “they just as soon you not be there to start with, but we have got to follow the guidelines and we can not just have equipment sitting in the middle of the street and not have appropriate markings to where we know nobody is going to get hurt, or take every precaution we can for nobody to get hurt. Both companies agreed”.
One question though Mayor Slone had but that he did not get a definite answer about is whether the city would have to wait until the entire project is complete before as Mayor Slone put it, “starting the pouring back the curbs and gutters’.
Mayor Slone suggested doing that work when work crews go, as he quoted it, “two blocks up”, from Lock Avenue.
June 2, 2020
The Louisa Water and Sewer Commission met in regular business session June 2, 2020, with Mayor Harold Slone presiding. In attendance were Board Members Sam Lester, Heath Preston, and Jeff Kinser. Others in attendance were Utilities Administrator, Ami Whites, and City Attorney, Eldred “Bud” Adams, and Distribution Supervisor Martin Wright.
1. Call to order, 6:04 pm
2. Customer on Point Section has been paying for sewer and did not have it connected to the sewer tap. It was determined that he did have access to a sewer tap. The Board discussed the requirement to connect to the sewer tap and pay for it monthly. No actions were taken at this time.
3. A customer on Lady Washington has been getting water discoloration every time we are working on connecting lines. The Board discussed possible causes and options to fix it. Likely cause being that the customer is hooked to an older cast iron water line. Distribution Supervisor Martin Wright advised that he received three bids to fix just that section of lines causing the current problem, the lowest being from Frederick and May for $29,840. The Board discussed repairing them all at the same time, which would require it to be engineered and cost $100-$150,00 versus repairing just one section. No actions were taken at this time.
4. Distribution Operations Supervisor, Martin Wright, reviewed the water loss report with Board and noted that there is 4.74% unknown water loss. The Board discussed raising our rates for Big Sandy Water since we have not raised them in a while. They requested to see the current rates at the next meeting to determine the rate increase. Bud Adams noted that we are to inform the Public Service Commission for approval before any increases for Big Sandy Water. Will revisit at the next Board meeting, no actions taken at this time.
5. Utilities Administrator Ami Whites will provide the May 5, 2020 meeting minutes for approval at the next meeting.
6. The Board reviewed financials. No actions were taken.
7. Mayor Harold Slone updated the Board on the sewer I & I project. Mayor Slone noted that everything is ready to begin on June 4.
8. Motion to approve the customer adjustments made by Heath Preston, Second by Sam Lester. All approved.
9. Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Jeff Kinser. Second by Heath Preston. All approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.
May 05, 2020
The Louisa Water and Sewer Commission met in regular business session on May 05, 2020, with Mayor Harold Slone presiding. In attendance were Board Members Sam Lester, Heath Preston, Jeff Kinser, and Steven Lycans. Others in attendance were Utilities Administrator, Ami Whites, City Attorney, Eldred “Bud” Adams, Water Plant Supervisor, Jesse Meek, and operator Jason Helton. Wastewater Supervisor, Chuck Devaney, and Distribution Supervisor, Martin Wright.
1. Call to order, 6:07 pm
2. Martin Wright received a call from a customer who had a house burn down, and the control panel on their pump melted in the fire. After investigating, it was a more significant issue then was initially explained on the phone. The entire top of the pump was damaged while they were cleaning up the fire debris. The Board suggested that we replace the control panel, which was destroyed by the fire, but the rest would be the customer’s responsibility.
3. Motion to approve the April 16, 2020 minutes made by Steve Lycans, Second by Heath Preston. All approved.
4. The Board discussed the request to dispose of the waste for Blue Tank & Pump. After reviewing the lab results, Board member, Sam Lester stated that the plant could not handle it and that the risk is higher than the benefits. Wastewater Supervisor, Chuck Devaney, is concerned it will cause them to become out of compliance, and if that happens, the length of time it will take to get back into compliance. Lester stated that they are willing to discuss it but that it will triple our BOD, and the BOD load on that plant would be challenging even for a highly efficient plant to treat. Mayor Slone stated that he did not want to move forward with doing this. The Board agreed not to move forward.
5. The Board reviewed financials and discussed enforcing that restaurants have a grease trap, as the release of grease in the sewer lines is causing multiple calls for blocked sewer mains per month. Mayor Slone stated that we would first need to confirm that the requirement is an ordinance and then work with the health department for enforcement. They will revisit this later. There were no actions taken at this time.
6. Mayor Slone updated the Board on the Sewer I & I project. During the preconstruction meeting, they went over the requirements needed to get started. Frederick & May issued a start day in June 2020 and ordered enough equipment to get started. They are beginning with two crews and are going to start in front of the church on Pike Street, and then they will move to Lock Avenue. The crews are going to work shifts of four – ten’s, so there will not be anyone on-site over the weekends. They will use Fridays for any make-up days in the case of inclement weather. We are going to have a progress meeting once a month to ensure everything is as expected. Mayor Slone expressed to them his concerns about safety and following the guidelines and that we cannot have equipment sitting in the streets, both companies agreed and stated that they would remain mindful of this once they start.
7. Martin Wright reviewed the water loss report with the Board. Board member Steve Lycans stated that we are slowing seeing our water loss decrease, and because the quickest way to increase reserve is to cut expenses, this is our #1 priority.
8. Motion to approve the customer adjustments made by Steve Lycans, Second by Sam Lester. All approved.
9. Mayor Slone stated that we decided last month to go one more round of not cutting customers off. He noted that today is May 05, and customers have 20 more days until the typical cutoff day. After discussing multiple options, the Board decided to cease cutoffs this month and on May 25, and send the customers who are on the cutoff list a letter that states they will need to make a payment or contact us for payment arrangements, to avoid being turned off on June 25. Sam Lester made a Motion. Second by Heath Preston. All approved.
10. Mayor Slone requested that we help the community by adjusting penalties for some small businesses that were impacted by the closure and are generally not late. A motion was made by Steve Lycans to approve adjustments. Second by Heath Preston. All approved.
12. The Board reviewed the 2019-2020 budget. Mayor Slone advised that upon approval, it will go to City Council for approval, and then we will put it in ordinance form by next Tuesday. Mayor Slone reviewed the 2020 Budget with the Board. He advised the Board that City Council had previously decided, they will just go by CPI for employee raises instead of revisiting it every year. That 2.03% increase is reflected in the budget. Jeff Kinser made the motion to approve both. Second was made by Sam Lester. All approved.
13. Holly Nicholas from Kentucky Engineering Group presented the Louisa Utilities financial standing and a spreadsheet with all reserve accounts, bonds, and loans. She stated that the utilities department is in good financial shape with being able to fund these reserve accounts and make the payments and will be able to fund future projects.
14. Water Treatment Plant supervisor Jesse Meek advised the Board of progress being made a the water treatment plant and of maintenance and repairs that need to be made. No actions taken.
15. Water Plant Supervisor, Jesse Meek, presented purchase requests for repairs to the board. Motion made by Sam Lester to approve the purchase. Second, made by Jeff Kinser. All approved.
16. Meeting Adjourned at 8:24 pm