By Susan Salyer
On Monday April 10, 2023 The Lawrence County Public Library (LCPLKY) Board Members had a Regular Scheduled Board Meeting at 5PM at the LCPL in Louisa, Kentucky.
President John Osborne was in attendance along with Vice President Susie Chambers, Secretary Scott Osborn, Treasurer Kim Burchett and Marc Lester. Also attending was the Director Carlie Pelfrey and employee Caleb Farley.
LCPLKY Director Carlie Pelfrey said she will seek quotes for Library Parking Lot Repair, Resurfacing and Lining. Pelfrey said something has caused the concrete to ‘sink’ about four inches making it a potential safety problem.
The roof problem is from strong wind last week.
“During the last wind storm there were shingles from the Library roof that were blown off so we will also get quotes for the roof,” Pelfrey said. Susie Chambers inquired about the insurance paying for the damages and Pelfrey said ‘yes’.
Pelfrey stated that LCPLKY President John Osborne’s Term Ends on June 30, 2023. Board Members asked John Osborne if it had been 4 yrs already and Osborne replied, “Yes, I’m retiring on everything.”
“My date is up in June. If they approve me I will probably stay but for right now I don’t know,” Osborne told The Lazer. Pelfrey then discussed adding a link to the Lawrence County Public Library’s website for applications for Library Board member. A replacement for Osborne will be picked and ready to serve on the board by judge Carter and the fiscal court when he finishes his term.
Osborne, a Democrat, previously served a judge/executive and was beaten in a close race by current judge Phillip L. Carter who, ironically, appointed Osborne to the board shortly after he took office. Carter is a Republican. At the time state officials chose board members and fiscal court’s had no choice but to appoint them.
Pelfrey then discussed that the library’s “Summer Feeding” program begins the day after Lawrence County Public Schools are out for the summer in May. Pelfrey said the federal USDA has commended Deena Meade and the LCPLKY for having the only summer feeding program in the State of Kentucky.
“In the future, the USDA wants to model more feeding programs for libraries across Kentucky and LCPLKY will be the model,” Pelfrey said. The feeding program will be serving breakfast, lunch and snack bags from 2 mobile sites plus mobile pick-ups.
1. March 2023 Minutes – Motion by Susie Chambers 2nd by Kim Burchett. None Opposed.
2. February 2023 Financials – Motion by Marc Lester 2nd by Scott Osborn. None Opposed.
3. Board Update – Director Carlie Pelfrey discussed March totals for the LCPLKY.
March 2023 Programming:
# of programs in person 31 (on site) 9 (off site)
# of attendance in person 820 (on site) 430 (off site)
Total # of programs: 40
Total attendance: 1,250
March 2023 Special Programs:
• Community Health Fair – 220
• LWES Career Day – 131
• Read Across American Book Giveaway – 1,170
• Blood Drive – 19 attendance
• Special Teen Programs – 5 programs / 79 attendance
• Special Adult Programs – 3 programs / 64 attendance(Diamond Art, Wood Burning, Genealogy Program)
March 2023 Book Giveaways: 2,224 Total Outreach (Read Across America) – 1,170
In-House (Story Hour & Lobby) – 1,054
4. Public Comment – None
5. Meeting Adjourned- Motion by Marc Lester 2nd by Susie Chambers.
The next regular scheduled board meeting is on Monday May 8, 2023 at 5:00PM at the Lawrence County Public Library and Everyone is Welcome.
why change the way board members were appointed in the past?