Lawrence County Board of Education
Lawrence County Schools: ALL IN for building relationships to personalize learning that inspires, challenges, and equips each student to dream, to persist, and to succeed!
Inspire to Dream – Challenge to Persist – Equip to Succeed
Video Teleconference
Tuesday, January 19, 2021; 6:00 p.m.
Primary Location:
Lawrence County High School
Louisa, Kentucky
For public viewing of the meeting via the Internet, use this link:
Mission and Welcome/Public Viewing of the Meeting Via the Internet
2.B.1. Approve Chairperson of the Lawrence County Board of Education
2.B.2. Approve Vice-chair of the Lawrence County Board of Education
2.B.3. Approve Schedule of Regular Board Meetings for the 2021 Calendar Year
2.B.4. Approve to acknowledge annual receipt of 1) The Kentucky Open Records & Open Meeting Acts: A Guide for the Public and Public Agencies, Office of the Attorney General, June 2020; 2) Managing Public Records, Revised August 2015; and 3) Policy 01.44 Special-Called Meetings and Procedure 01.44 AP.21 Request to Receive Special Meeting Notification by Email
3.A. Moment of Silence
3.B. School Board Recognition Month
4.A. Superintendent’s Update
4.A.1. Lawrence County Schools received an invitation to collaborate with Warren County, the Kentucky Department of Education, and the Urban Schools Human Capital Academy to develop a model “Grow Your Own” teacher program.
4.A.2. Lawrence County Schools are scheduled to receive $3.9 million in the next phase of COVID relief funds.
4.A.3. Classes are tentatively scheduled to resume in an “aggressive hybrid” setting on January 25, 2021.
4.A.4. Governor Beshear announced that all school personnel, who requested a vaccine, are set to be vaccinated by February 1, or soon thereafter.
4.A.5. Kentucky’s middle schools participate virtually in the District Governor’s Cup competition over the weekend; elementary and high schools will follow in weeks to come.
4.A.6. Lawrence County sporting events will move to the next phase this week: 15% public attendance and cheerleader attendance. LCHS will have 200 home tickets and 100 visitor tickets available.
4.A.7. Lawrence County Schools’ food service program will be adjusting the method of delivery when we return in a hybrid setting.
4.B. Public Comment
5.A. Approve Minutes of the December 21, 2020 Regular Meeting
5.B. Approve Claims and Orders of the Treasurer
5.C. Approve the Monthly Financial Report by Finance Officer Brandi VanHoose
5.C.1. Bank Reconciliation Report
5.C.2. MUNIS Balance Sheet and Monthly Financial Report
5.C.3. Finance Update: Set special board meeting to review 21-22 Draft Budget
Proposed date: Thursday, January 28, 2021
Approve the Consent Agenda items:
5.D.1. Per diem and expenses for board members in attendance; approval for travel and expenses to the KSBA 2021 Annual Conference on April 23-25, 2021, and training per diem as allowed for KRS-mandated annual training provided through the Conference; and approval for per diem for James See for his 2020 KRS-mandated annual trainings
5.D.2. Contracts:
5.D.2.a. 2021-2022 Nonresident Pupil Contract with Boyd County School District and Paintsville Independent School District
5.D.3. Requests:
5.D.3.a. Fundraisers: FES, LCHS
5.D.3.b. Approve Fallsburg Elementary Middle School Math Technology Grant Proposal submitted by math teacher Steffanie Forrest (Steele-Reese)
5.D.4. For Review/FYI: (no action required)
5.D.4.a. School Activity Fund Reports/Bank Reconciliations: December-all schools
5.D.4.b. SBDM Council Minutes: LCHS, LWES
5.E. Discussion on Yatesville Community Church Property
5.F.1. Approve acceptance of $40,000 donation designated for the addition of a softball field hitting/training facility
5.F.2. Approve an additional funding amount of $50,000 for the addition of a softball field hitting/training facility and other upgrades towards ADA compliance through the board’s Special Construction Projects Account, General Fund 0011087-0695
5.F.3. Approve the use of CARES Act ESSER (I) Funds for heating and cooling units/upgrades that have occurred since March 13, 2020
5.G. New Business
6.A. Approve Request for Leave of Absence from Kristen O’Brian
6.B. Approve Request for Leave of Absence from Kerry A. Meredith
6.C. Approve Request for Leave of Absence from Kathy Branham
6.D. Superintendent Professional Growth and Evaluation System (SPGES) Update
Superintendent Robbie L. Fletcher, EdD
6.D.1. Standard 1 Strategic Leadership
Dr. Fletcher reboots the Core Portrait of a Graduate process
6.D. Approve to acknowledge receipt of Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update
What so sad about this is when the food director (Who goes around telling the story that Dr. Fletcher is the one cutting this funding btw) has cut the extra pay or funding from the cooks who put themselves at risk each and every day for these kids to be fed. Okay, let’s all take a moment to view 4.A.2 – 3.9 million in new funding for the 2021 Covid Relief Fund – Wow, no funding! Maybe not for the workers and not for the ones putting their lives at risk for these kids every workday, but for sure it will be used for someone needing a new sports turf field or just maybe the food director got her big bug eyes on it for her upcoming retirement. Who knows? What’s even more upsetting about this food director, is that she sits on her fat hiney all day on the phone calling everyone to get others to support her dumb ideas. But the fact is, no one is supporting her in being irresponsible to the workers she has now betrayed. Oh and if you didn’t catch it, drop down a few lines to see how the greedy – The Food Director- justify methods like these for cutting funds from her workers. Let’s all take a look at 4.A.7, “food service program will be adjusting the method of delivery when we return in a hybrid setting.” Don.t be fooled by this, the same amount of food for five days will be distributed in two days versus the usual five days which they’d had been running, which now means the cooks and essential workers will have to work five times as hard in two days for less pay and all the risk that comes with it. It’s good to feed these kids, but let’s remember how it’s getting done. Shame on this leadership.
I am an Employee of the Cafeteria Staff and I know for a fact how hard the food Service Director works to get these kids Fed. No she don’t sit on her Hinny. She constantly searching for different things for the kids to eat and trust things to see if it a hit with the Kid. And no Food service money is different than what the board of Education get as a matter of fact your pay and all the Cafeteria Staff pay comes from Food Service If you are an Employee under our Food service Director you should go to her besides slandering her on line her and her assistant work tirelessly to get things done . You should appreciate that you have a job. You sign on to work it no one forced any of us to do this job. Many kids from WV and Ky has told me personally that they wished they got the kind of food we serve the kids in Lawrence Co . I for one am proud to work with the food Service Director she has a big Heart and her # one goal is to see that the kids of Lawrence County get Fed. If every County had a food Service Director like her the kids would be blessed. And if you don’t want to do the Job step aside so someone that wants to work can have that position. The problem these day people want to get paid for doing nothing. Thank you Proud Cafeteria worker.
I’m sorry I don’t agree with this Our food service director is one of the best . This woman works tirelessly on finding different things for the kids trying to find different things for the kids to eat. If every County had a Food Service Director like her They be lot better. Believe me I had kids from Wv and Kentucky tell me they wish they got food like these kids do in Lawrence County. Her and her Assistant put in long hours making sure these kids get fed. If people don’t want to work . Then quit and let someone that wants to work have that position. Plus we have some great managers.
She worked hard to get us the extra pay for as long as we have gotten it when other districts didn’t give their staff any extra pay . And as for employees having to work harder that is incorrect we will have more time to prepare meals going out if sent in bulk so we don’t have to send out everyday which is what other districts are doing already plus we will be having kids to prepare for in school also.
And it was told to us in the beginning that this extra pay would not be forever sounds like you are an ungrateful employee and unappreciative for what you have been given ! And the money the school gets funding I’m sure is not her decision where it goes to ! I would be ashamed if I was you !
All the cafeteria workers at the LEES appreciated everything that she has done for us.
I’m not big on writing anything, but as the cafeteria manager at LWES I can speak for myself and the workers there we appreciate everything she has done and is doing for us and these kids daily.