You can now pre-register for covid vaccine if you are 60 or older!
If you are 60 years of age or older and a resident living in Pikeville Medical Center’s service areas, preferably of Pike, Floyd, Knott, Lawrence, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, or Johnson counties, you are now eligible to pre-register for the COVID-19 vaccine at pmcvaccine.com
My name is Glenda Adkins I am 79 years please notify me
how do you all expect the older people from lawrence co to go out of town for the covid most older people dont drive or dont have a car ,lawrence is a big co. i feel like it should be coming to us ,we need to get on phone and raise a racket with frankfort thats all the govenor talks about covid covid the word covid put into action for the eldery of lawrence co.
It’s okay to venture outside of the great Louisa, KAG.
John Allen Osborne would like to have the Covid vaccine. Thank you and have a Blessed day