March 29, 2019
Changes would take affect this coming season
HENDERSON – Deer and waterfowl hunters, you will want to take note.
Some significant changes are being officially recommended by the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Commission — including a longer statewide deer season that would also increase the number of deer harvests allowed on regular permits as well as “bonus” permits.
Those changes also include opening up quota waterfowl hunting in part of the Sauerheber Unit of the Sloughs Wildlife Management Area in Henderson and Union counties.
That possibility, when disclosed earlier this year, stirred protest among some hunters — especially those with private hunting land and clubs bordering the Saurheber Unit.
Another notable change recommended: Moving Henderson and Union counties from Zone 2 to Zone 1 for deer hunting. Zone 1 is more aligned with counties in the far western portion of the state.
The proposals were among multiple recommendations to deer, waterfowl and migratory bird seasons made by commission members at their March 23 meeting in Frankfort.
“The commission recommends hunting, fishing and boating regulations for approval by the Kentucky General Assembly. Legislators must approve all recommendations before they become law,” according to a new release.
More notable still “the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission has recommended expanding modern gun season for deer to 16 days statewide, increasing the number of deer allowed on a statewide permit from two to four, and increasing some license and permit fees for non-residents.
“The changes recommended by commission members are designed to help thin the state’s deer herd in more densely populated areas while boosting numbers where deer populations are lower than desired. Changes also will boost many opportunities for hunters,” said the news release.
All deer-related regulations will go into effect for the 2018-2019 seasons if approved by legislators.
Deer hunting specifics
Among the deer-related recommendations approved by the commission:
* Creating an antlerless-only modern gun hunt during the last weekend of September in Zone 1 counties. (Henderson is being moved to Zone 1)
* Expanding the modern gun deer season to 16 days statewide.
Modifying the statewide deer permit from a two-deer limit to four deer, and the youth deer permit from a one-deer limit to four deer. Hunters would still be limited to one antlered deer statewide, regardless of zone or method.
* Allowing hunters to take a bag limit of deer in each zone, independent of the other zone’s bag limits.
* Modifying the additional deer permit from a two-deer limit to 15 deer. Hunters would still be limited to one antlered deer statewide, regardless of zone or method.
* Creating a special deer hunt program that would allow modern gun hunts for deer outside of the normal season. This would only apply to nonprofit conservation organizations working under Kentucky Fish and Wildlife’s recruitment, retention and re-activation guidelines.
* Allowing a person to use an unlimited number of deer control tags. The current limit is five tags.
* Removing the requirement to sign a deer control tag at the time of transfer from landowner to hunter.
* Requiring the hunter to sign a deer control tag at the time of harvest.
Waterfowl specifics
Commission members also took several steps at their meeting to simplify some waterfowl regulations and to increase opportunities for hunters, according to a news release.
These waterfowl regulations will also go into effect for the 2018-2019 seasons if approved by legislators.
Among the recommendations:
Allowing expanded waterfowl quota hunts on the Sauerheber Unit in Henderson County.
Removing blind site hunting restrictions on the Sauerheber Unit. (This would mean hunters wouldn’t be restricted to only hunting from established blinds.)
Developing a check-in system for quota hunt participants on the Sauerheber Unit.
Creating a lottery for unclaimed blinds or hunt sites on the Sauerheber Unit and removing the ability to occupy unclaimed blinds.
Creating a quota hunt for the Jenny Hole Unit of the Sloughs WMA, with spots allocated by a weekly drawing.
Closing the Jenny Hole Unit to waterfowl hunting, except for quota hunt participants.
Prohibiting boat use on the Jenny Hole Unit from Thanksgiving Day to the last Sunday in January, except for quota hunt participants during limited hours.
Recommendations affecting Ballard WMA in far western Kentucky include removing the requirement to hunt from a blind in the Ballard Zone.
Commission members proposed several changes to the existing regulations governing sandhill crane hunting. These would expand hunting opportunities and establish a second refugee area on public property. Proposals include:
Changing the sandhill crane quota hunt application period from late November to the month of September to align it with quota hunt application periods of other game species.
Increasing the number of sandhill crane permits and tags issued.
Lengthening the sandhill crane season and increasing the statewide bag limit.
Allowing hunters to take more than two birds in a season, if they have the required number of tags.
Requiring participants to buy a hunting license by Sept. 30 to be eligible for a permit.
Establishing a new refuge for roosting birds by closing portions of Green River Lake to sandhill crane hunting.
The next regularly scheduled Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commission meeting will be 8:30 a.m. EDT Friday, June 8. Meetings are held at Kentucky Fish and Wildlife headquarters, located at 1 Sportsman’s Lane off U.S. 60 in Frankfort.
By Douglas White
The Gleaner