Eagle Ridge Golf League News
July 12, 2016, League Results
Bill Jackson
Rain, Rain go away, but nevertheless we played!
Well after another hard storm, we managed to get in the league round. It seems to rain every day, but, the course drained well enough for us to ride 90° across the fairway.
The course is in beautiful shape. The Bermuda grass is lush. The greens are faster than one would think, and much better than expected with the constant rain followed by bright sun. Rodney and his crew are doing a great job.
The following are Tuesday, July 12, 2016, results:
Low Net Score (35) {Sam Sumpter
Tie {Mike Hogan,
{Tom Copley
Low Gross Score (38) Ronnie Maynard
Longest Drive (#7) Bill England
Fewest Putts (13) Dan Preece
Skills Competition
Closest to the pin, 2nd shot (#2) Sam Sumpter
Longest Putt (#14) Bill Jackson
Par 3, Closest to pin (#8) Bill England
Par 3, Closest to pin (#12) Sam Sumpter
Greens in Regulation (3) Tom Copley
Skins {Dan Preece
Tie {Sam Sumpter
See you next week at the course.
Bill Jackson
Submitted, July 15, 2016