By Susan Salyer
The City of Louisa had a Regular Scheduled Monthly Meeting on Tuesday November 14, 2023 at Louisa City Hall, 215 N Main Cross St., Louisa, Kentucky at 6PM. Mayor of Louisa, Harold Slone was in attendance along with the City Council Members, Joey McClanahan, Caleb Farley, Rose Lester, Coty Roe and Keith Chaffin.
Click on Mayor Slone for Lazer video
Louisa Mayor Slone had some announcements before the City Council Meeting began.
- There will be a meeting on Monday November 27, 2023 at the Louisa Community Center from 1-3:45 PM. This meeting will bring together agencies in Law Enforcement, Homelessness and Addiction, under one roof to discuss all the issues facing the community.
Also Mayor Slone received an invitation from Senator Phillip Wheeler to attend the Republican Senate Majority Caucus Retreat for the 31st District. Wheeler also invited any Louisa City Government member to the Official Opening and Reception on Wednesday November 29th from 6-9PM at UPIKE, University of Pikeville. (SEE VIDEO)
The Minutes for the Regular Meeting on October 10, 2023 and The Minutes from the Special Meeting on October 17, 2023 were passed unanimously.
Mayor Slone explained that the City of Louisa purchased a new street sweeper last month, in October. Slone said a Motion to sell the motor on the old street sweeper with a second from Coty Roe. None Opposed. Slone went to the county garage last month and after noticing the inventory, Slone said, “Maybe we will have better luck selling off the surplus property in the Spring of 2024, mowers, etc. (SEE VIDEO)
Beverly Pack was at the City Council Meeting to request a donation from the City of Louisa to the Lawrence County Humane Society for trap/neuter/release services. Pack explained these cats are free roaming. Pack receives a grant for this service and will take donations to match the grant for more cat services. Pack explained they have several cat shelters in town where they can trap cats, take them for neuter services then return them to the cat shelters. The cats that are spayed will have a cut in the tip of their left ear. The Louisa City Council donated $1000 in January 2023 and $1000 for 2024 year. (SEE VIDEO)
Next, Beverly Pack asked for donation for the trap/neuter/release service. Motion by Caleb Farley and 2nd by Joey McClanahan. None Opposed. (SEE VIDEO)
Council member Rose Lester inquired about the City of Louisa having a leash law and picking up doggie doo doo, when owners walk their dogs. Mayor Slone and Chief of Police Greg Fugitt said there has been 3 dogs caught recently and were taken to the pound. (SEE VIDEO)
Councilman Keith Chaffin inquired about the street lights in Meadowbrook being out and street lights from the bridge to the hospital need to be installed. (SEE VIDEO).
Mayor Slone explained the issue like this: “…The street light situation – One street in Meadowbrook has all lights out and its gonna take a lot of underground repairs from the power company, so we are trying to work out a solution to switch that street to solar…” Council agreed that if the power company would switch to solar we would, too, for the sake of time and being less invasive.
Louisa City Attorney Eldred E. (Bud) Adams announced that the City of Louisa is purchasing the Old Louisa Hospital lot across from Giovanni’s Pizza. The purchase will cost $130,000.
Motion by Joey McClanahan 2nd by Caleb Farley to purchase the property.
Also, the City is inquiring about leasing an unused property, but are still negotiating. Lastly, there was discussion about the 911 potential litigation, but there has been no final answer made. (SEE VIDEO)
1. Call to Order
Old Business
2. Approve Minutes for Regular Scheduled Meeting October 10, 2023 – Motion by Caleb Farley 2nd by Joey McClanahan. None Opposed.
3. Approve Minutes for Special Scheduled Monthly Meeting October 17, 2023 – Motion by Keith Chaffin 2nd by Coty Roe. None Oppposed.
New Business
4. Surplus Property – The City of Louisa will wait until Spring of 2024 to sell off any Surplus Property. (SEE VIDEO)
5. Audience Comments – Beverly Pack asked for donation for the trap/neuter/release service. Motion by Caleb Farley and 2nd by Joey McClanahan. None Opposed. (SEE VIDEO)
6. Council Comments – Councilwoman Rose Lester inquired about the City of Louisa having a leash law and picking up doggie doo doo, when owners walk their dogs. Mayor Slone and Chief of Police Greg Fugitt said there has been 3 dogs caught recently and were taken to the pound. Councilman Keith Chaffin inquired about the street lights in Meadowbrook being out and street lights from the bridge to the hospital need to be installed. (SEE VIDEO)
7. Executive Session – Louisa City Attorney Eldred E. (Bud) Adams announced that the City of Louisa is purchasing the Old Louisa Hospital lot across from Giovanni’s Pizza. The purchase will cost $130,000. Motion for purchasing hospital property by Joey McClanahan 2nd by Caleb Farley. None Opposed. Also the City in inquiring about leasing an unused property, but are still negotiating. Lastly, there was discussion about the 911 potential litigation, but there has been no final answer made. (SEE VIDEO)
8. Adjourn – Motion by Joey McClanahan 2nd by Caleb Farley.
The next City of Louisa City Council Regular Monthly Meeting will on Tuesday December 12, 2023 at 6PM at Louisa City Hall, 215 N Main Cross Street, Louisa, Kentucky.
Maybe Half a acre $130,000
Who said you can buy a acre for $700 to $1,000?
Depending on where a half acre is located could make it an asset or a deficit, and either or can benefit a city government.
Good luck getting the power company to do something. You’re going to need it.
It is discrimination to make dogs be on a leash but cats can from free, especially feral cats.
I just wish the city would enforce the ordinances that are already in place. They don’t because of politics. Isn’t that right mayor and council? Has anyone on the council ever reviewed the ordinances???? It’s your JOB.
Only black cats.
Councilwoman Rose Lester should be put on a leash and made to pick up the DoDo.