This cannon was mounted in front of Mrs. Rice’s house on Madison Street, was a working cannon and had concrete in the barrel of it. In her garage she had like 20 cannon balls, everything was there, but the gun powder to fire it with. Louisa Police Chief Roberts was there when loading it up. The truck that was pulling it was blocking off the road. We loaded up some of the stuff that went with it and a big Sun dial mounted on concrete stand about 4 feet tall. Well off we went to Lexington with it to Dr. Tom Rice. Myself, Buck Blankenship and Tommy Queen headed out after we loaded Buck’s truck. Many have asked me what happened to the cannon, I can only tell you it is in a good resting place now where it should be.
I wish I had it, I would get that concrete out of the barrel and find some gun powder! What a way to get rid of tress
passers and Jehova’s Witnesses. 🙂
I always wondered where it went! Thanks bunches Fred!
Thank Fred. Good story. But where did it come from??? Any I
I wish I had it, I would get that concrete out of the barrel and find some gun powder! What a way to get rid of tress
passers and Jehova’s Witnesses. 🙂
Get some help Charley