School tax public hearing set for September 29
The Lawrence Co. Board of Education met for a special meeting Wednesday Sept 7, 2016. All members were in attendance. The Board met in executive session for the purpose of Student Discipline/Expulsion Hearing pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)(f).
The following items were reviewed for acceptance. Motion made by Maddeline Roberts, second by Barb Robinson
⦁ Per diem and expenses for members present
⦁ Notice of shortened school day and/or week for Special Education students
⦁ FY201 Kentucky Adult Education Program Memorandum of Understanding
Motion made by Barbara Robinson, second by Maddeline Roberts to approve 2016-2017 Sherriff Collection Rate
⦁ Motion made by Garnet Skaggs, second by Maddeline Roberts to set FY tax rates to the following . The tax levy in 2016 continues to be $ 0.52 on personal property and $ 0.52 on real property with a$ 0.30 on motor vehicles. The new rate will be $0.492 on personal property and $0.52 on real property. The board suggested and improved a rate hike of $0.05 to $0. 35 on motor vehicles.
“Due to an increase in property assessment values, the real estate tax rate will decrease slightly,” Schools Finance officer Edris Humphrey said.
The Lawrence County Board of Education will hold a public hearing at the Lawrence County High School Library on September 29, 2016 at 6:00pm to hear public comments regarding a proposed general fund tax levy of 49.2 on Real Estate and 52.0 cents on Personal Property.
The General Fund tax levied in fiscal year 2015-16 was 52.0 cents on real property and 52.0 cents on personal property and produced revenue of $4,433,736.56. The proposed General Fund tax rate of 49.2 cents on real property and 52.0 cents on personal property is expected to produce $4,183,950.92 for 2016-17. Of this amount $1,039,570.82 is from new and personal property. The compensating tax rate for 2016-17 is 47.4 cents on real property and 51.6 cents on personal property and is expected to produce $4,060,035.34.
FY 2017 revenue is not expected to exceed FY 2016 revenue.
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⦁ Motion made by Garnett Skaggs, second by Maddeline Roberts to approve the purchase of several new energy efficient thermostats for Louisa West Elementary in the amount of $3,400. This will save money in the long run by saving energy.’
The meeting was then adjourned after the personnel changes were discussed and reviewed by the board as presented by Vernon Hall. The next meeting will be September 19, 2016 at the Fallsburg Elementary School.
Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update
September 7, 2016
Carrie Tomlin- Teacher (Social Studies) at Fallsburg Elementary School (1-Year)
Scott Smith- Itinerant Band Teacher for Blaine Elementary School, Louisa Middle School, and Lawrence County High School
Monty Markwell II- Preschool Teacher at Blaine Elementary School
Rhonda Piper- District School Health Nurse/District Special Needs Nurse (1-Year)
Nicole Davis- Instructional Assistant at Fallsburg Elementary School
Jennifer Ferguson- Instructional Assistant at Blaine Elementary School
Brittany Stepp- Instructional Assistant at Blaine Elementary School
Tommy Ratliff- Bus Driver
Substitute Teachers
Janet Dale
Donna J. West
Teresa Ransbottom
Substitute Instructional Assistant
Donnie Shapaka
Substitute Cooks/Bakers
Melissa Collins
Bernice Nichols
Brenda Preston
Melissa Shapaka
Substitute Bus Monitors
Melissa Collins
Ray Thornsberry
Change of Position
Matthew Maynard- From Freshman Coordinator/Reading Intervention Teacher at Lawrence County High School to Assistant Principal at Louisa Middle School
Justin Newsome- Full-Time Bus Monitor
September 7, 2016
Re: Request to the Lawrence County Board of Education for Creation and Changes regarding Positions
Request the following positions be created effective 09/08/2016:
- (1) Director of Federal Programs/District Assessment Coordinator/Innovations Coordinator
- (2) Instructional Assistants at Louisa West Elementary School (1-Year)
- (1) Instructional Assistant for the District Middle Grades Alternative Education Program
Request the following position be changed effective 09/08/2016:
- From (1) Freshman Academy Instructional Coordinator/Reading Intervention Teacher at Lawrence County High School to (1) Freshman Academy Instructional Coordinator at Lawrence County High School