30 new computers approved for each school;
Elevator at LMS is functional and operating
The Lawrence Co. Board of Education met for their regular meeting Monday, August 15, 2016. A moment of silence was observed by the committee and audience for Patsy Cash and Hughie Roberts who had worked for the school system for years and had recently passed on. The Board recognized several teachers for their MAP ( Methods of Academic Progress) gains.
The Board also recognized and congratulated Sara Bowen on accepting the position of Fallsburg Elementary School Principal.
The following announcements and communication were relayed by the Superintendent, Dr.. Robbie Fletcher:
* The Steel – Reese Foundation grant was awarded to the LWES library. A big thanks to Mrs. Debbie Delong for her long hours of work. The grant of $30,000 will be used to upgrade and improve the library.
* Student enrollment is up for the year as compared to last year with greater than 2,400.
* Dr. Fletcher was appointed as the Region 10 representative for KASS.
* There is still an opening for the assistant principal position at Louisa Middle School and there are several qualified individuals being interviewed for the position.
* Amy Pack and 2 of her neighbors presented their case about the traffic situation at the LES and were reassured that the issue would be addressed in the coming weeks. (See Lazer story HERE)
* The minutes and the treasurers report were approved and entered into the record.
* Tommy Burns, Chief Information Officer, relayed that after a cost of $3,000 the elevator at the LMS is functional and operating.
The following motions were approved by the Board.
⦁ Approved that Heath Preston and Jim See would represent the board on the District Improvement Plan Committee
⦁ Approved the appointment of the District Improvement Plan Committee
⦁ Approved the 2016-2017 student field trip fees
⦁ Approved and acknowledged in a public meeting that the District has reviewed and is compliance with the Data Security Breach Notification Best Practice Guide, as set forth in 702 KAR 1:170.
⦁ Approved the funding for 180 new computers district-wide with 30 being placed at each school.
⦁ The motion to approve an energy efficiency upgrade for Louisa West Elementary was tabled due to opposition to the timing of the proposal.
The meeting was then adjourned and the next meeting will be September 19, 2016 at the Fallsburg Elementary School.
The Lawrence Co. Board of Education recognizes and celebrates MAP (Methods of Academic Progress) gains.
Congratulations to the following teachers for having the largest MAP gains for their students when comparing fall 2015 data with spring 2016 data.
K1-Reading and K1-Mathematics
Martha Blevins
Sara Bowens
Jennifer Burns
Maria Kirk
Wendy Rodriquez
K1- Mathematics
Anna Prince
Grades 2-5 Reading Grades 2-5 Mathematics
Karen Sturgill Cody Spears
April Sammons Karen Sturgill
Kara Williams Jenna Thompson
Sherita Akers April Sammons
Stephanie Cordle Jerresa Montgomery
Sandy Preston
Ariel Murray
Grades 6-11 ELA Grades 6-11 Mathematics
Nikki Nelson Pam Puryear
Joe Halfhill Amy Chicko
Donna West Bethany Muncy
Alicia Robinette Kellie Short
Stephanie Cordle Sharon Fields
Bryan Short
Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update
August 15, 2016
Angela Hogston- English Teacher at Lawrence County High School
Darrian Hollonquest- English Teacher at Lawrence County High School (1-Year)
Robert Allen – Math Intervention Teacher at Lawrence County High School
Douglas Farrell- Teacher at Lawrence County High School
Deana Ramey- FMD Teacher at Lawrence County High School
Lloyd Scott McCoy- LBD Teacher at Lawrence County High School
Blake Preece- Teacher at Louisa Middle School
Emaleigh Hall- Teacher at Louisa Middle School
Melissa Edens- Teacher at Fallsburg Elementary School
Joshua Reed- Itinerant Physical Education Teacher at Blaine Elementary School and Fallsburg Elementary School (1-Year)
Sidney Alcorn- Teacher at Louisa East Elementary School (1-Year)
Kyra Butler- Teacher at Louisa East Elementary School (1-Year)
Sarah Roe- Teacher at Louisa East Elementary School (1-Year)
Charles Perkins- LBD Teacher at Louisa East Elementary School
Marilyn Mullins- Teacher at Louisa West Elementary School
Heather Bradley- Teacher at Louisa West Elementary School
Stephanie McCoy- Teacher at Louisa West Elementary School
Ginger Robinson- Preschool Teacher at Louisa West Elementary School
Heather Bangham- LBD Teacher at Louisa West Elementary School
Amber Bond- LBD Teacher at Louisa West Elementary School
Jennifer Sparks- Full-time Bus Monitor
Change of Position
Sara Bowen- From Teacher at Louisa West Elementary School to Principal at Fallsburg Elementary School
Jessica Crittendon- From Itinerant Teacher (Band) at Lawrence County High School, Louisa Middle School, and Blaine Elementary School to Teacher at Louisa Middle School
April Ratliff- From Teacher at Fallsburg Elementary School to Teacher at Blaine Elementary School
Dana Whitt- From Instructional Assistant at Louisa West Elementary School to Instructional Assistant at Fallsburg Elementary School
Larry Whitt- From Bus Driver to Vehicle Mechanic II
Leave of Absence
Wrendi McDavid- Teacher at Fallsburg Elementary School
Kimberly Fitch- Assistant Principal at Louisa Middle School
Chad Williams- Teacher at Louisa Middle School
Shana Green- LBD Teacher at Louisa Middle School
Kara Williams- Teacher at Louisa East Elementary
Rebecca McCoy- Preschool Teacher at Louisa West Elementary School
Susie Rice- Part-time Adult Education Instructor (effective 09/01/2016)
Angela Preece- District School Health Nurse / District Special Needs Nurse (1-Year)
Pamela Wilks- Full-time Bus Monitor
Ashley Evans- Full-time Bus Monitor
Re: Request to the Lawrence County Board of Education for Abolishment, Creation and Changes regarding Positions
Request the following position be abolished effective 09/01/2016:
- (1) Part-Time Adult Education Instructor
Request the following position be created effective 09/01/2016:
- (1) Full-Time Clerk at the Adult Education Center (183 days; Classified Pay Scale)
Request the following extra duty service pay be created effective 2016-2017:
- Dual Credit Instruction ($500 extra duty service pay per course)
Request the following extra duty service pay be changed effective 2016-2017:
- From (High School) Cheerleading Competition ($500 extra duty service pay) to Cheerleading Assistant High School ($500 extra duty service pay) — NOTE: (Middle School) Cheerleading Competition to remain in Extra Duty Service Salary Schedule
Substitute Hiring