Lawrence County Board of Education
‘Every Child College and Career Ready, A Community Involved and Informed’
Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 6:00 p.m.
Lawrence County High School
Louisa, Kentucky
Mission: Every Child College and Career Ready; A Community Involved and Informed
The Pledge to the United States Flag
3.A. Junior Dixon, Good Samaritan to an LC Family Member
3.B. LCHS: Scott Osborn, 2019 KCTE/LA High School Teacher of the Year
Kentucky Council of Teachers of English/Language Arts
3.C. LC School Counselors: National School Counseling Week
3.D. Teachers with Highest First Semester MAP Gains
4.A. Superintendent’s Update
4.A.1. Students and staff members talk 1-to-1 technology in the Capitol Mezzanine
4.A.2. Dr. Fletcher and other KVEC superintendents present a call to action in the Capitol Rotunda
4.A.3. Lawrence County High School hosts the 58th District Tournament this week
4.A.4. LC Academic Teams compete in district and regional competitions at all levels
4.A.5. Blaine students and teacher design the KSBA conference banner
4.A.6. KASA requests Dr. Fletcher be available to testify against the tax credits bill during a house education committee meeting
4.A.7. Louisa Middle School Cheerleaders finish 11th in the nation
4.B. Public Comment
5.A. Approve Minutes of the January 22, 2019 Regular Meeting and the January 31, 2019 Special Meeting and Draft Budget Work Session
5.B. Approve Claims and Orders of the Treasurer
5.C. Approve the Monthly Financial Report: Finance Officer Brandi VanHoose
5.C.1. Bank Reconciliation Report
5.C.2. MUNIS Balance Sheet and Monthly Financial Report
5.C.3. Finance Update
5.D. Approve Consent Agenda items:
5.D.1. Per diem and expenses for board members present
5.D.2. Contracts & Services:
5.D.2.a. Annual KEEIS Consortium Partnership Fee with PSST Seamless Data Solutions; July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020; reflects 4% discount for payment prior to March 1: $5,338.08
5.D.2.b. Wulfe Brothers Services Agreement with Louisa East Elementary; FRC: $825
5.D.2.c. Wulfe Brothers Services Agreement with Blaine Elementary; FRC: $775
5.D.2.d. 2019-2020 Mountain Comprehensive Care Center (MCCC) School-Based Therapy Services Agreement and Protocol; August 2019 to June 2020
5.D.2.e. DC Elevator Annual Price Adjustment for Louisa East: no price increase this year for the maintenance agreement
5.D.2.f. Destiny Yacht Charters Agreement for Queen City Landing for LCHS Senior Trip; April 26, 2019; Kim Shirkey; $40.95 per person
5.D.2.g. Updated Great Wolfe Lodge Sales Agreement with LCHS for April 26-27, 2019 as part of senior trip
5.D.3. Requests:
5.D.3.a. Fundraisers: 5.D.3.a.1. Lawrence County High School
5.D.3.b. Trip Requests:
5.D.3.b.1. Out-of-State: LCHS Senior Trip to Cincinnati, Ohio; April 26-28, 2019; Newport on the Levee, Great Wolfe Lodge, Queen City Riverboats, Kings Island; Kim Shirkey
5.D.3.c. Use of Facilities:
5.D.3.c.1. Louisa Middle School cafeteria for Annual Conservation Essay and Poster Winners Banquet; March 21, 2019; Kelli Hanshaw; Lawrence County; insurance confirmed
5.D.3.c.2. Louisa Middle School and other gym as needed for K-2 (Sixers) basketball league practice; Matthew Fitzpatrick; insurance provided
5.D.3.c.3. Louisa East Elementary for Girl Scout Troop 7268 meetings; Sasha Dotson; now to end of school year; pending proof of liability insurance
5.D.3.d. Permission to apply for a Steele-Reese Foundation Grant for Louisa Middle School by 7th Grade Science Teacher Carmella Rose
5.D.3.e. Permission to apply and Steele-Reese Foundation Grant Application – Books for Blaine; Stephanie Kirk
5.D.3.f. LCHS request assistance with costs to offer COMS 108 and SOC 101 courses: $2,500 per class, per section
5.D.4. For Review/FYI: (no action required)
5.D.4.a. School Activity Fund Reports: January
5.D.4.b. SBDM Council Minutes (LEES, BES, LWES, LMS, LCHS, FES)
5.E.1. Approve BG-1 revision to LCHS Renovations Project 12-019
5.E.2. Approve BG-5 (12-019 Project Closeout) pending KDE review and approval of the BG-1 revision and the resulting BG-5
5.F. Approve to adopt the 2019-2020 Lawrence County School District Calendar
5.G. Approve permission to seek bids for grass mowing services
5.H. New Business
6. A. Superintendent Professional Growth and Evaluation System (SPGES) Update
Dr. Robbie L. Fletcher, EdD
6.A.1. Standard 7: Influential Leadership
6.B. Approve to acknowledge receipt of Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update