Lawrence County Board of Education Regular MEETING
Lawrence County Schools: ALL IN for building relationships to personalize learning that inspires, challenges, and equips each student to dream, to persist, and to succeed!
Inspire to Dream – Challenge to Persist – Equip to Succeed
In Person & Video Teleconference
July 18, 2022; 6:00 p.m.
Primary Location:
Lawrence County High School
Louisa, Kentucky
For public viewing of the meeting, use this link:
Mission and Welcome/Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
3.A. Moment of Silence
3.B. Welcome LEES Assistant Principal Summer Brown
4.A. Superintendent’s Update
4.A.1. Dr. Fletcher presented “2022-2023 Accomplishments ” to central office and to principals.
4.A.2. Principal Collaboration/Retreat Days continue to have positive reviews by our administrators (July 11, 12, 25)
4.A.3. Principals/Administrators are participating in summer book study led by Mrs. Katie Webb
4.A.4. Administrators, central office and principals, are scheduled to attend the KASA Leadership Institute in July
4.A.5. Central office administrators continue to provide the PACE (Principals’ Annual Calendar/Evidence) as a tool for managing the monthly tasks
4.A.6. KASA Director Rhonda Caldwell asked Dr. Fletcher to chair a committee geared toward research for sustaining the education profession
4.A.7. The Kentucky Coalition for Advancing Education Committee fulfilled their directives from Commissioner Glass
4.A.8. Dr. Fletcher completed year of service as a mentor for Cohort 10 Superintendents
4.B. Public Comment
5.A. Approve Minutes of the June 20, 2022 Regular Meeting and the June 23, 2022 Special End of Fiscal Year Meeting
5.B. Approve Claims and Orders of the Treasurer
5.C. Approve the Monthly Financial Report by Finance Officer Brandi VanHoose
5.C.1. Bank Reconciliation Report
5.C.2. MUNIS Balance Sheet and Monthly Financial Report
5.C.3. Finance Update
Approve the Consent Agenda items:
5.D.1. Per diem and expenses for board members in attendance
5.D.2. Contracts & Services:
5.D.2.a. Copier 36-Month Lease Agreement with Superior Office Service by Louisa Middle School, Canon imagePRESS C265
5.D.2.b. Orkin Commercial Services Agreement with LCHS, LMS, LEES, LWES, BES, and FES
5.D.2.c. 22-23 Kentucky School Board Association Membership dues for the period of July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023: $5298.18
5.D.2.d. Custom Check Template Service 2022-23 with PSST: $461.00
5.D.2.e. Annual eStub Subscription with PSST; April 15, 2022 to April 14, 2023: $3188.00
5.D.2.f. 2022-2023 Special Education Services Contracts:
5.D.2.f.1. Eastern KY Sports & Orthopedic Physical Therapy: Morgan Lester, PT, DPT
5.D.2.f.2. Orientation and Mobility: Karen White
5.D.2.f.3. East KY Psychological Resources: Shelly Ritchie, M.A., LPP
5.D.2.f.4. Speech Therapy Services: Ginger Fife, MA-CCC-SLP
5.D.2.f.5. Marshall University Speech and Hearing Center Agreement for speech therapy services
5.D.2.f.6. Southern Kentucky Speech Therapy, LLC, Speech Therapy Contracting Agreement for online speech-language pathology services; as needed
5.D.2.f.7. PresenceLearning, Inc. Service Order Agreement with LC Schools for virtual speech therapy services; August 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023; as needed
5.D.2.g. 2022-2023 Northeast Head Start and LC Schools Transition Program Cooperative Agreement
5.D.2.h. 2022-23 KCTC (ACTC) Memorandum of Agreement-Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education Program in Lawrence County Schools
5.D.2.i. Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Vendor Agreement Renewal 2022
5.D.2.j. FY23-FY24 Community Education Grant for Lawrence County Schools; July, 2022 to June 30, 2023; $40,000
5.D.2.k. 2022-2023 Memorandum of Agreement with Lawrence County Board of Education for Locally Operated Career & Technical Ed Center; 08-01-22 to 06-30-23: $404,808.00
5.D.3. Requests:
5.D.3.a. Fundraisers: LMS, LCHS, FES
5.D.3.b. Use of Blaine Elementary on September 3, 2022 for Blaine High School Annual Alumni Reunion; request by Charlotte Sparks and Ron Phillips
5.D.3.c. Request for assistance by Fallsburg Principal Sara Kise in the purchase of cheerleading apparel in the amount of $2,000
5.D.3.d. Request by Lawrence County Fair Board/Rick Blackburn to use buses for transporting spectators during annual fair on July 29, 2022 evening and Saturday, July 30, 2022 with LC Fair Board responsible for all associated costs
5.D.4. For Review/FYI: (no action required)
5.D.4.a. SBDM Council Minutes: July: BES, FES, LCHS, LEES, LMS, LWES; June: FES,LCHS,LEES
5.E. Construction Update
5.F. Approve District Funding Assurances Fiscal Year 2023
5.G. Consider/Approve Freberg Environmental Impairment Liability Insurance proposal from Hall & Clark Insurance Agency
5.H. Approve extra service pay for secretaries and custodians during Jumpstart Transition Days, as needed, with these employees paid their hourly rate plus an extra duty pay that equals $30 per hour
5.I. Approve 2022-2023 student fees for LMS, LEES, BES-no fees assessed, FES, and LWES
5.J. Review/Approve guidelines for fines regarding textbooks and Chromebooks
5.K. Consider/Approve Early Enrollment request
5.L. Approve Superintendent/designee to delay/cancel school
5.M. Approve Lawrence County Schools to participate in the ARC Give Back Program for fundraising with each application having SBDMC approval and signatures of the principal and Superintendent
5.N. Approve to enter Executive Session for the purpose of Student Discipline/Expulsion Hearings post-hearing review pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f)
5.O. Approve return to Open Session
5.P. New Business
6.A. Approve abolishment, creation and/or changes regarding positions
6.B. Approve Declaration of Emergency regarding Teacher of the Hearing Impaired
6.C. Approve Declaration of Emergency regarding LCHS Integrated Science position
6.D. Approve Declaration of Emergency regarding LCHS Science (Chemistry) position
6.E. Approve 2022-2023 Employee Handbooks: 2022-2023 Lawrence County Schools Employee Handbook; 2022-2023 Lawrence County Schools Substitute Teacher Handbook; and 2022-2023 Lawrence County Schools Coaches’ Handbook
6.F. Approve Lawrence County Schools 2022-2023 Parent & Student Handbook Including Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline
6.G. Superintendent Professional Growth and Evaluation: Dr. Robbie L. Fletcher, EdD
6.G.1. Approve superintendent evaluation process and procedures for 2022-2023
6.G.2. Orientation to 2022-2023 superintendent evaluation
6.G.3. 2022-2023 Professional Growth Plan
6.H. Approve to acknowledge receipt of Superintendent’s Personnel Action/Update