When asking Karen’s Place Maternity Center’s (KPMC) Peer Support Specialist Christina Hunter some words that describe her prior life, ‘broken’ and ‘lost’ first come to her mind. Today, those words are ‘mother’ and ‘mentor.’
Christina is widely known among mothers at KPMC. However, some are surprised to find out that at the beginning of 2019, Christina was a homeless heroin addict faced with one of her biggest challenges yet — she was pregnant.
“There were nights I would just go do drugs just not to be hungry,” said Christina.
She says her addiction was not only found in drugs but unhealthy relationships. Ultimately those relationships would drive her away from the relationships that mattered the most.
“I idolized people over God, and that led me to a path of destruction,” said Christina. “I have a little girl that is eight years old. I had not seen her in two years.”
When Christina learned that she was pregnant, her desire to find recovery became all she would think about, but she was no stranger to the process. Christina had already relapsed once and feared she might do it again. Nevertheless, against her fears, she arrived at KPMC 27 weeks pregnant, ready for the challenges that would come along the way.
“Just the fear of losing my baby boy that God has blessed me with was my bottom,” said Christina.
During her time at KPMC, she would teach herself once again what being a sober mother means. That started the day she was reunited with her daughter. Months later, she would give birth to her son.
“Karen’s Place opened with their arms and loved me back to life, and they helped me get everything situated through my pregnancy,” said Christina. “I gave birth to a wonderful 7 lbs. 1 oz. baby boy — he was perfectly healthy.”
Nearing two years in recovery, Christina has returned to where she found her life to help other women find theirs. She can’t walk down a hallway without a new or expecting mother asking for advice or sharing a hug. Christina says this is the life she believes God intended her to have.
“To be able to work here and be a mother to my kids while God just pulled through to bring my family together again,” said Christina. “Having that peace to know I can do this is what helps me stay focused on today. I’m just in awe.”
Karen’s Place Maternity Center has helped over 160 mothers and babies since opening its doors in 2016. To learn more about what KPMC can do for you and your family, call our intake specialists at (888) 818-1434.
Get high so you wouldnt be hungery. LOL how creative. I havent heard that one.
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