LOUISA, Ky. — On motion of David Pinson Lawrence County Fiscal Court voted unanimously in favor of an aggressive $9,946,839 budget for the upcoming year at Tuesday morning’s regular May meeting. Judge Executive Phillip Carter admitted that much of the budget depends on state and federal decisions relating to the Ice Storm and Covid relief.
Nonetheless the budget shows the county is growing, up from a $7,569,005 total for 2021, to a staggering $2.3 million raise for the current year. County Treasurer Sabrina Cantrell said the new budget is “optimistic” but doable if the funding they have been promised comes through.
The Jail fund continues to be more than the road fund at $460,244 with the road fund’s $441,661.
The court also:
Approved Minutes of the April 20th, 2021 Regular Meeting
Approved1st Reading of Budget Amendment # 5
Approved Treasurer’s Request
Approved Bills
Approved Treasurer’s Report
Approved 1st Reading of FY 21/22 Budget (See above)
- Approved Recurring Expenses FY 21/22
- Approved Resolution and Agreement between Commonwealth of Ky. Transportation Dept. of Rural Secondary and Municipal Aid and the Fiscal Court (Tim Spencer). Spencer addressed the court briefly with his agency’s recommendations for spending rural aid monies. He provided the copy of his presentation below.
- Approved Sheriffs 2020 Property Tax Settlement (no figures announced)
- Approved Resolution for Homeland Security Grant for Sheriff’s Department Body Armor. SheriffChuck Jackson said the funds will be used for body armor for six of his deputies and
Sheriff Jackson thanked the fiscal court for their donation. He said the body armor costs between $900 and $1,000 per vest. The sheriff also thanked the court for their $2,000 donation the the IMPACT programs effort to have a youth camp this summer (June 12-overnight) for ten boys and girls. The camp will include fishing, archery, and other activities, Jackson said.
- Approve Members to LC Public Library Bd. Of Trustees (POSTPONED)
- Authorizec Clerk to Advertise for Bids on Gravel, Blacktop, Pipe, Fuel, etc. on motion by Mike Halcomb and second by David Pinson
- Appoint Member to Board of Appeals (Bobby Fields)
- Approved Resolution for Homeland Security Grant for Lomansville Fire Dept. PPE on motion by david Pinson and second by Mike Halcomb.
Public comments:
The question was asked about the status of the new lease contract with Sullivan University which was tentatively approved at the last meeting. County Attorney Mike Hogan said he is working on the language of the new contract and will have it ready soon.
The same question was asked about the lease contract to the universal church the county owns but has been renting to a group for nearly ten years. None of the court members said they have seen the lease and Hogan said he will produce one at the next meeting.
Mr. Blackburn how about working on some of the city roads election not that far off
What was the agenda and outcome for the March and April fiscal court meeting? Thank You
Our courthouse reporter quit without notice and we have advertised and hired her replacement but it takes a little time to make up for it. I am covering the fiscal court starting May 18 and hope to get back to the pre-covid quality, honest reporting we are known for.
Yellow creek needs it worse… 10 miles for 15 houses
It would benefit more to do the city roads first lots of houses which equals a lot of voters
“Approve Members to LC Public Library Bd. Of Trustees (POSTPONED)”
Why was this postponed?
I asked and got no response from the court –Editor
I heard that Carter needed to “speak” with everyone whose names were submitted…
He needs to for sure people in city limits
You’re thinking city council. The library board members just have to be from the county, not only the city.
It’s a COUNTY wide position…. not city city
Doesn’t surprise me, he shakes down everyone that gets appointed or elected to a position in Lawrence county.