LOUISA, KY. — The mystery (sort of) of what is being constructed beside Arby’s on U.S. 23 turned out to be perhaps the most interesting item during this morning’s Lawrence Co. Fiscal Court meeting which was a day late due to a doctor’s appointment for one of the court members.
Deputy Judge/Executive Vince Doty informed the court during his announcements that the new structure will be a Zip Zone and with a Dairy Queen inside. Speculation has been raging since the work began a month ago on the spot which is near the Louisa WalMart and the two shopping centers located nearby. The Zip Zones are a chain of gas stations that include a restaurant with several of them operated statewide by a company owned by entrepreneur Jim Booth of Inez.
Doty also said the county is using a different mode for graveling on county roads and that a couple good size businesses are looking at coming in but he said it was too early to name them.
Lawrence BOE member Garnett Skaggs was present asking the court for help in clearing off very old cemeteries in Lawrence County, some that have been ignored for decades. She said she works with a group of people who are interested in the preservation of grave sites and asked judge/executive Phil Carter if the county could help them get labor perhaps from the BSRDC to clear the graves.
Mrs. Skaggs said her group is not part of the Lawrence Co. Historical Society.
She mentioned the Cole Peter Skaggs grave which she said was one one of the oldest in the county and that he had been one of the first settlers here. Mrs. Skaggs also mentioned that the Prince cemetery is in “bad shape” as well as many others. Her group is interested in cleaning up the gravesites and possibly placing markers on the graves.
Carter told her the local DAR has a record of many of the graves and County Clerk Chris Jobe also has a list of graves for Lawrence County. “They can come in a look at what we have, although we don’t have them in a book or anything,” Jobe said. “It’s definitely not a complete list but it might give you an idea about many of them.”
BSRDC board chairman Daniel Castle was in attendance and he said in order to get inmates from the jail to do public works there is a process.
“All they need to do is have a person who will agree to supervise them and who will take a training class to learn how to do that,” Castle said. “The class only takes a couple of hours to complete.”
Judge Carter asked Mrs. Skaggs to work with the existing cemetery board on the project.
“I’d like for you to work with the cemetery board because there should be some funding available from the state for this,” Carter said. “In the past we got one grant for $50,000 to do similar work in the county, and I think there was one for $25,000 for Pine Hill Cemetery.”
In other court action today:
Approved minutes of the September 17, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes
Approved Treasurers Request (no list provided)
Approved Bills
Accepted Treasurer’s Report
Approved Resolution for HB 20 Project $34,000 for Road Grader & 2 Trucks on motion of Mouse Halcomb and second John Scaggs.
Approved Sheriff’s 2018 Unmined Coal Tax Settlement (No amount given)on motion of David Pinson and second by Mouse Halcomb.
Opened Bids on Surplus Property but Judge Carter told court members that all bids were too low and none of them were accepted.
On motion of Mouse Halcomb and second by David Pinson the court unanimously voted to accept a $67,120 bid from E&E Construction of Vanceburg, Ky. on the 25 ft. Old Lick Creek Bridge.
Approved a $100.00 Donation to Unity Baptist Church Autumn Fest
Public Comments
- . Rob Mattieu attended the meeting and asked for a strip of property on Spamkem Branch to be ceded back to him as part of his other property there. He said there is an old fence that he wants to repair and there is a small sliver of land that was once given to the county for a right of way that he would like to have back since the county is not using it and has no plans to ever use it.
Judge Carter told Mattieu that he would appoint a committee to visit the site and report back to the court. Mattieu had survey maps with him to present to the court.
- Judge Carter announced that Kelly Ward from FIVCO had delivered a check for $7,000 for the county to use on “fixing up the courthouse premises.”
- County Attorney Mike Hogan delivered some somber news to the court in the form of an illness to former sheriff Garrett Roberts who Hogan said is now on the list for a kidney transplant. “I’m sure everyone’s thoughts and prayers are with him as he goes through this time of sickness,” Hogan said. He said he had contacted Roberts about a report from the state auditor that said he still owed $17,000 in a fee account from 2017. Roberts told Hogan that the money is there, it just has not been paid to the state. “There is no money missing,” Hogan said.
The meeting was then adjourned.
It would be awesome if they’d put in a cinema or a bowling alley… something to do without having to go to Ashland or Huntington.
Check out the old Theatre! They are having all kinds of stuff there!
again nothing about giving money to the city residents
Exactly what money are you talking about? Put the information on here so we will know. I don’t ha e a clue what you’re talking about.
the county taxes I pay every year on my property and my cars
City and county is different.
*are different
does county residents pay city taxes
you do know city residents pay county taxes
I do
Apparently, you are the only one!!!
KAG, I would bet you have never paid taxes in your life! I may be wrong, but I doubt it. Shouldn’t the city give half of their alcohol tax to the county? Do you vote in county elections? Can county residents vote in city elections? Have you ever voted in any election? Can you operate a voting machine? Just a few questions, for my entertainment!
first you would lose that bet and how much do you want wage
second even the dry counties or dry parts of the counties get tax revenue from alcohol taxes
third yes I vote in county elections and pay county taxes if you don’t live in city limits NO you can’t vote in city elections(again you don’t pay city taxes either)
fourth yes I can operate a voting machine probably longer than you
nobody in there right mind would want to pay a tax and get nothing in return
which all the city residents do
OK KAG, in a presidential election, regardless of party, who do you actually vote for?
ok Charles
I will give you a clue I worked before Reagan and after Reagan
when did the working people do better
After this building on this site is finished how about getting a Golden Coral or Texas Road House or any big restaurant like these in so people don’t have to drive so far and eat a good meal I don’t travel in Ashland or Huntington much but when I do I like going to a good restaurant tats serves things beside hot dogs and hamburgers a family places that they could spend enjoying their and family’s
Louisa is not big enough to support a Texas Roadhouse or other big chain restaurant. It barely supports the fast food places now. Not going to happen…
Have you been to Toro Loco? Packed on most nights.
What? Isn’t that what going wet was supposed to get us? Restaurants and all that!??? What a joke… Paintsville did the same thing, urged everyone to vote to go wet so they could get those big chain restaurants in… That was way back in 2009 and they’re still waiting on something more than a Mexican restaurant. LOL
Exactly. I thought we would all be filthy rich by now, since the county went wet. Oh wait, I did see a new carry-out open up out past AutoZone. $$$$$$$$
Citizen, I wont say it was totally related to alcohol sales, but have you seen Pikeville lately? Louisa has the same potential! Plenty of land beside US 23. It does take a city and county government to be aggressive in the attraction of said business. There is a section along 23 just north of Norton VA, that isn’t in Norton city limits that has a host of fast food and a Texas Roadhouse, and a couple other nice scarfing establishments as well. One thing for sure, you will not get finer restaurants in dry areas, because they do sell alcohol as a corporate policy. However none of this happens overnight, Louisa has only been wet a few years; I think many good things will happen as the future rolls on. A job is a job, whether its in a carryout, convenience store or fast food restaurant, isn’t it?
I’ll say it again-Louisa is not big enough to support a large chain restaurant. A few of the chains have done their studies and it just isn’t feasible. I have seen Pikeville, and I can tell you that alcohol sales had very little to do with their growth. Given the destruction of the coal industry by the Democrats and tree-huggers, you will soon see Pikeville’s decline. Your beloved alcohol isn’t going to save us.
Also, it doesn’t help Louisa any that you have a very prominent family in town that fights against any outside business that might want to come to town.
Doty says what everyone knew over a year ago. When they first started with doing work at the site it was known that it was going to be a DQ and ZipZone. The old topix broke that even. Nice to see two more CITY businesses.
Alright!!!! Another fast food place and a place to fill the car up to drive to another town for a nice sit down and be served restaurant!!!!
Yeah, I got a question. If the paper says Jim Booth owes Martin County over 2 million dollars in back taxes and he claims the banks won’t loan him the money to pay them, how come he’s still building a new Zip Zone and stuff in Louisa? Where’d that money come from? Also makes you wonder if he’s not paying his taxes in Lawrence County, too, don’t it?
Doty is a DoDo. Him and carter just wanna toot their own horn on the heels of someone else’s accomplishments.
Wow!!! Here we go again!! More “progress!!!!” Man I don’t like “ progress!!!” I’m an old school person. I don’t even go up around Walmart, doesn’t even look like Louisa n that area. Born here n 1955 n the old General Hospital, I miss Louisa, my hometown the way it used to be, really sad for me & I’m sure for a lot of others.
All Louisa ever gets, fast food and gas stations. It’s a complete joke. Why?
Exactly!!! Either one eats fast food or buy some gas to drive 30 minutes to a nicer restaurant. Besides, the ability to sell alcohol has nothing to do with getting a restaurant. Does DQ sell alcohol?? As far as nicer restaurants locating in Weezy, why hasn’t Bob Evans, Golden Coral, etc. located there already??? They don’t sell alcohol. What other fast food places can Weezy get in now?
As far as Pikeville, there are two things they have that Weezy doesn’t. A college and a convention center!!! Need I say more?
you forgot one thing a lot more people
One thing is sure; most of you are not smart enough to grow! You base everything on the population of Louisa. US 23 goes from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to Florida, even now the traffic flow is at least as good as Pikeville, land is available along both sides of that highway, and if you’re damned City has the sense god gave a goose they could incorporate from the Johnson to Boyd county line, and the business WOULD COME! Pikeville did that exact thing! Many of you live in the past, and some are just STUPID! Your town is wet, it’s beside a major highway, there is plenty of land, and there is not a reason in hell that big restaurants won’t locate and with them many other business will as well. If your city and county leaders won’t try, REPLACE THEM! The clannish politics all over KY make me sick. Elect people who will do something, not who you are kin to. I’ve lived 25+ years in a place where you can buy beer 24-7, and the apocalypse hasn’t come, but we do have plenty of jobs!
And KAG, you just didn’t get the question I ask, which actually proved my point! Thank you.
This has been the top headline for about a week now. I’m bored. Someone is gonna have to do something drastic there in Louisa! 🤔 We need a serial porch pooper or something.
So is it a kidney transplant or liver transplant? I know Garrett has suffered from pancreatitis for years and if I’m not mistaken that can affect the health of the liver which would make a liver transplant sound more probable but that’s just a guess. Hey Mark can you find out and let us know?
Wonder what has happened to the progress?? No one has worked there in quite a while. What’s the story????