August 29, 2019
James Gartin, 56 case was reset for 9-27-19 for charges of Rape 1st degree, 2 counts of 1st degree Sodomy and Persistent felony offender, 2 nd degree.
Randel Boggs, 21 was present for pretrial on 2 cases, possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine on case 1 and robbery, 1st degree.
Both rescheduled
Larry Bartley, 26 was present for a bond review on convicted felon in possession of a handgun and was given in home incarceration.
Charles Crum, 37 pled guilty and will be sentenced to;
5 years for theft/ shoplifting,
12 months for criminal mischief, 3rd degree,
12 months for resisting arrest,
90 days for public intoxication by a controlled substance and persistent felony offender enhances the sentence to 7 years that will be probated over 5 years with drug court and restitution to Walmart.
Final sentencing to be held on 9-27-19.
Bradley Fraley, 48 pled guilty on 2 cases with charges, 1 on an amended charge of complicity trafficking in a controlled substance, methamphetamine and complicity possession of marijuana was dismissed. Charges to run concurrent to 2nd charge.
On the second case the defendant was sentenced to 2 and 1/2 years on an amended charge of complicity to manufacture methamphetamine.
Final sentencing to be held on 9 – 27 – 19.
Dustin Fyfe, 30 was given in home incarceration on charges of possession of methamphetamine, possession of a controlled substance, 3rd degree and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Carlos Hammond, 36 pled guilty and will be sentenced to 3 years for complicity burglary, 3rd degree and 3 years complicity tampering with physical evidence. Both charges to run concurrent with a diversion and unsupervised 3 years with IOP.
Final sentencing to be held on 9 – 27 – 19.
Wendy Jude, 33 pled guilty and will receive 30 days for operating a motor vehicle under the influence, 1 year for possession of a controlled substance and 12 months for possession of drug paraphernalia.
All charges concurrent.
Rhea Mann, 22 Did not show for PSI. The defendant was remanded to custody until next motion hour on complicity 1st degree possession of cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Mason Masters, 23 was not present on complicity possession of a controlled substance and complicity possession of drug paraphernalia.
A bench warrant was issued.
Lowell Maynard, 31 was sentenced to;
2 years for complicity possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine,
12 months for complicity possession of drug paraphernalia,
90 days for operating on suspended license.
The defendant was probated for 3 years supervised and other conditions.
Charles Mills, 33 was arraigned on first degree burglary and scheduled for pretrial on 9 – 27 – 19.
Timmy Mullett, 40 was not present on convicted felon in possession of a handgun and a bench warrant was issued.
Cory Moore, 36 was not present for court in a bench warrant was issued on charges of complicity trafficking in a controlled substance, methamphetamine and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Brianna Osborne, 26 sentenced to;
2 years on complicity possession of methamphetamine,
12 months for complicity possession of drug paraphernalia and
12 months for complicity possession of a controlled substance 2nd degree, drug unspecified
The defendant doing two years supervised probation with a pre-trial diversion.
Elouise Scott, 36 the defendant was not present and a bench warrant issued for charges of complicity trafficking in a controlled substance and complicity possession of drug paraphernalia.
Frank Spears, 35 was sentenced to;
five years of supervised probation concurrent with one charge consecutive with another for complicity trafficking in a controlled substance, methamphetamine
The defendant was also sentenced to;
1 year of supervised probation for bail jumping, first-degree.
The defendant was sentenced to 3 years for possession of a controlled substance and
12 months for carrying a concealed deadly weapon for a total of 3 years supervised probation.
Jeramie Vanover, 42 was sentenced to;
5 years for engaging in organized crime and persistent felony offender enhances the sentence to 10 years.
All to be supervised over 5 years probation.