Week One June 13-17, 2016
All camps will be FREE
These are the camps and locations for next week. Please sign your children up ASAP. The camps will be for children ages 6-14. You can signup for each at the links below each location.
This completely FREE so please bring your kids out to have a good time and learn some safety and preparedness lessons.
Any questions can be sent to lawcokyem@gmail.com
Each night will start at 6PM and last until approximately 9PM. We plan on being able to provide some training each night with the kids and allow them time to interact with members of the agencies and their equipment. Hopefully this will ease their stress in case a real emergency happens and allow them the knowledge to help others when needed.
14-Jun 6PM – 9 PM Blaine Community Center CPR Training for kids by Air Evac
15-Jun 6PM – 9 PM Chapman Park Disaster Preparedness by Eastern Kentucky Chapter of the American Red Cross
16-Jun 6PM – 9 PM Fallsburg Community Center Disaster Preparedness by Eastern Kentucky Chapter of the American Red Cross
17-Jun 6PM – 9 PM Webbville Fire Department Disaster Preparedness by Eastern Kentucky Chapter of the American Red Crosshttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/disaster-preparedness-training-by-american-red-cross-webbville-tickets-25896384784
Please sign-up ASAP, we need at least 5 pre-registered for each class to avoid cancellation.