Week 2 of the 2024 Legislative Session
January 12, 2024
The second week of the 2024 Legislative Session concluded on Friday and week three will begin on Tuesday following the holiday celebrating civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
President Ronald Reagan signed the King Holiday Bill into law on Nov. 2, 1983, designating a federal holiday to be observed annually on the third Monday of January. This year, the holiday falls on King’s actual birthday as he was born on Jan. 15, 1929. First celebrated in 1986, the holiday has come to commemorate the strides this country has made in civil rights. King was a leader who strived for progress in racial equity and equality during the modern civil rights movement. A world leader who focused on change and progress, King is the only non-president to have a national holiday. State and local offices are closed and many businesses observe this important date.
As outlined in my previous legislative update, the state income tax rate dropped another half percent on January 1. In your next paycheck, you should notice an increase in your take-home pay as a result. I remain committed to the further responsible reduction of the state income tax, which was made possible by 2022 legislation establishing a measured framework to achieve that goal while ensuring we maintain needed state revenue.
The state House of Representatives is still in the process of crafting its biennial budget and road plan proposals. We continue to monitor the effort in the Senate in preparation for our time to offer our own recommendations. I’ll keep you informed on budget details as it progresses throughout the legislative process.
The first bill to pass from the Senate chamber and move to the House was Senate Bill 5, which is a measure we moved swiftly as it was designated as priority legislation. The measure removes the requirement that resident owners of farmlands must own five or more acres of land to be exempt from sport hunting and sport fishing license requirements when hunting or fishing on their property. The measure rectifies the concerns of sportsmen and Kentucky landowners by correcting the statutory language imposing the requirement from the 2023 Regular Session.
Oftentimes in 60-day sessions, legislators remain laser-focused on crafting a conservative, fiscally sound budget. Committee meetings this week have been light, though the Senate Family and Children Committee held an informational meeting specific to Kentucky’s child care needs.
With federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds expiring in 2023, lawmakers heard from many concerned about early childhood education during the interim.
Following Governor Beshear’s reckless COVID-mandated closures, federal funds provided stability for staff wages and relief for childcare centers facing financial struggles. Committee members cautioned against proposals for universal public pre-K from the executive branch. This one-size-fits-all approach to a complex issue would be beholden to the traditional school schedule and unable to meet the needs of many families who work the second shift and need care during the summer months.
The Kentucky Senate Republicans and members of our caucus have a more personal website,, where constituents and media members can find additional access and insight into Senate Majority Caucus members. We have information on committee meetings and floor action and include important resources. This website showcases each individual member in a more personal way so Kentuckians can get to know their unique legislators.
I’m excited for this session and take my responsibilities representing you seriously, and I will continue to ensure that legislation is passed with Eastern Kentucky’s best interests in mind. Please do not hesitate to contact my office if I or my staff can assist you by emailing me at or call toll-free at 1-800-372-7181.
Senator Phillip Wheeler
Kentucky State Senator
31st District
Serving Elliott, Johnson, Lawrence, Martin, Pike
502-564-8100 ext. 59326
Senator Phillip Wheeler, R-Pikeville, represents Kentucky’s 31st Senate District, including Elliott, Johnson, Lawrence, Martin, and Pike Counties. Wheeler is vice chair of the Senate Economic Development, Tourism, and Labor, and the Senate Judiciary committees. He is also Capital Planning Advisory Board co-chair. Additionally, Wheeler serves as a member of the Senate Transportation, Natural Resources and Energy, State and Local Government, and Transportation committees.
“Following Governor Beshear’s reckless COVID-mandated closures,” Philly you need to move on your Boy lost.
If you are really serious about helping your voters cut the sales tax.
Over half you voters don’t work they don’t care about your income tax.