By Susan Salyer
On Monday September 19, 2022 the Lawrence County Tourism Commission had a regular scheduled monthly meeting at 5:30PM in the Fred M Vinson Museum, Second Floor, Louisa, Kentucky. LC Tourism Chairman Wes Kingsmore was in attendance with Treasurer Brenda Hardwick, Secretary Susie Chambers and Tamyra New, Rita Parker, Chris Jobe, Keith Chaffin and Debbie Hill.
Also attending was Special Guest Phil Barnette. The Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance were given then Kingsmore called the meeting to order.
1. Blessing
2. Call to Order
3. Special Guests – Phil Barnette, (no information on Mr. Barnette available).
4. Old Business –
Budget Discussion – Kingsmore explained that the budget was passed through the LC Fiscal Court and will come before the Louisa City Council Special Meeting September 20, 2022 at 7PM at City Hall, Louisa, Kentucky.
5. Approval of Aug. 15 and Aug. 22 minutes – Susie Chambers, Secretary – Motion by Chris Jobe 2nd by Keith Chaffin.
6. Approval of Financial Report – Brenda Hardwick, Treasurer – Motion by Susie Chambers 2nd by Keith Chaffin. (No copy available)
7. New Business
1. Billboards – Keith Chaffin said he was gathering information on billboards companies and estimates to spend some of the proposed $43,000 grant funding available on.
2. Website Update – Kingsmore said that Tourism Commission will launch the newly revised website “very soon”.
3. Grant Process – Kingsmore explained there is an extension on the state tourism grant until September 30, 2022. The Tourism Commission could receive $40 -$60 thousand dollars for the grant if the proposal is complete by the new deadline.
4. October Music in The Park/Louisa – Rachel Messer and Conner Dale will be performing Saturday October 8th at noon.
5. Autumn Fest/Blaine – Kimber Skaggs and Dan Castle will be in charge of the event.
6. Halloween Nightmare in the Square – Lilly Vinson will have a Halloween Crew at the Main Stage Square, Halloween and Trick or Treat night.
7. Haunted Hayride at Yatesville Lake – Starts on October 2, 2022 and goes until the last weekend in October.
8. Storybook Trail/Hiking – Wes Kingsmore and Chris Jobe discussed the ‘Storybook trail/hike’ will be “soon”. The participants will start looking at a box. They will continue to 20 boxes along the hike/trail that display one page of the book until they read the entire book. Great for family’s and friends to get together.
9. Campers Appreciation – The Tourism Commission has teamed up with the Local Louisa Rotary Club #3773. The Commission wants to hand out gift cards to Thank Local Campers at both Yatesville Lake State Park and Lawrence County Wilderness Park.
10. Beard Contest – November will be ‘NoShavember’ for any males wanting to let their beards grow out. The contest will be for beards that are Longest, Neatest and Most Unique and prizes will be given away, this ends on December 3, 2022
Public Comments and adjourn
The next LC Tourism Board Monthly Meeting is Monday October 24, 2022 at the Fred M. Vinson Museum in Louisa, Kentucky at 5:30PM
Lawrence County Tourism Commission Board Member Rita Adkins Parker announced that she will be stepping down from her position on the committee. Last night was her last meeting to attend.
Rita you will be missed!!
Here are the reports by the committee as presented for posting, Members are volunteers as are all county committees.
Mitch castle rules
I heard that also