BSCTC Lights Up Campuses Green!
Prestonsburg, Ky– Big Sandy Community & Technical College is showing support and encouragement for the community during the COVID-19 outbreak across the nation by lighting its four campuses green.
BSCTC is dedicated to protecting and honoring Kentuckians during this crisis. Gov. Beshear is encouraging communities to go green to show their solidarity and compassion during the COVID-19 outbreak across the nation. The lights will show “We are all in this together.”
Dr. Sherry Zylka, President/CEO of BSCTC stated, “It is important that we come together as a community and realize that we are not separate from one another—even though there must be physical distance between us.”
BSCTC encourages students, staff, faculty and all people of the region to use caution and common sense to flatten the curve of this pandemic. Let’s protect eastern Kentuckians by social distancing and staying home.